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elizabeth grand antique co.

elizabeth grand antique co.

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • pdrane56
    I like to stop here any time I drive through Elizabeth to see if I can find any new treasures. I usually do. It's a big building, so plan on 1-2 hours to browse if you want to take your time and see all 3 floors.
  • MegJ985
    Great destination for an antiquing trip. The place was huge and there were a lot of cool booths. It's history makes it even more unique. Even the nice little café on the main floor was worth a stop.
  • BeckyG238
    Located close to Galena with beautiful scenery. Wide variety of items from antiques to nuts and bolts. The building is an old school that has a lot of charm. We ate at the Shark Roadhouse just down the road. I had the fish cause it was Friday and it was delicious. Prices are around $10 per meal. Highly recommend a visit
  • psa954
    Old schoolhouse newly renovated into an Grand Antique Mall! Some very unique and interesting pieces at very reasonable prices. Along with Antiques you can find repurposed items as well as new gift items.When you enter you Will not smell a musty old antique store but you WILL smell and see a quaint coffee shop( check out the cappuccino machine)! SO COOL! What a vision this young couple had in repurposing this eyesore into a Grand beautiful building!
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