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gold king mine museum and ghost town

gold king mine museum and ghost town

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Loisjean2015
    If you want to pay to visit a junkyard, this is your venue. Not much educational about it, and to make matters worse, there were several hateful and racist signs posted around the site. Had to be careful not to step on dangerous junk. I felt dirty as I left the site. Will never return and urge readers to spend their valuable time elsewhere.
  • welshfamily12345
    Being used to seeing older vehicles and old buildings this "Ghost Town" is a let down. I was surprised we could not see the mine shaft. I mean you can see some wood structure going into a whole but you cant see how deep that whole is or where it goes. The cars are cool but the up sale to smash a rock or learn gold mining wasn't to cool. The buildings are a little scary to walk in as they feel they will fall over. Not stroller friendly. To much Junk to be "Ghostly". The saw mill was cool to see up and running but any state fair has the same machinery. My ten year old ran through the park in less than 20 minutes. This place is probably best for an older generation who appreciates seeing a time forgotten by the rest.
  • frosteez
    They did a great job explaining the history of the town & the mine & really captured the spirit & life of the town.
  • kikibangbang34
    My son came for a visit from California. It's a short drive over the mountain to the mine so we went for a day. It's a very hands on look and touch park. My grand daughter had a blast. Fed the chickens, the goats and the donkey. We got to look at all the old cars and buildings. It's rough, and dirty. Spend a day or too and clean the counter in the old store. The dust must be 20 years old. For as much time as you have Put into it take care of what you have. It's not cheep to get in. If it wasn't for me liking old stuff we wouldn't of stayed long. But the old running steam engines are really cool.
  • delbertb2013
    The Gold King mine is one of those places where you will get what you as an individual want to see. While I was there I enjoyed all of the old trucks and machinery.There is a big truck collection which at first appears to be just random old truck parked on the property / Yet, amongst those trucks there are a few very rare old trucks rotting away in the sun. Then in the garages you see more of the exact vehicle fully restored in immaculate condition. There are also a couple of very rare cars in the “ghost town”.Several Photographers were wandering the property taking pictures.There is a functioning 100-year-old saw mill and in a different building a carpentry/ mechanic shop, where the racecar is kept.There are a couple of old building which you cannot get to. And I’m not so sure they are safe anyway. There are several smaller building which represent the various shops in use when the mine was in full operation. The donkey and chickens roam the property freely. The goats are in a pen.variable terrain, walk onlyThe entry fee is $5.25, which is a fair price.I think the best way to describe the Gold king is one mans junk is another mans treasure. I saw the treasure mixed in with some, disorganized to the outsiders, junk.
  • 795jeffj
    Went for the first time with my Brother that was visiting from Chicago. We spent the afternoon in Jerome and on the way out of town saw the sign (very easy to miss) and thought we would check it out. Like t100baker said "hokey fun" at it's best! We had dinner reservations in Prescottt so we could only stay about 30 minutes and wish we could have stayed longer. Check it out, $5 is all you will lose if you don't like it but if you do well worth it!
  • brneys
    If you have a thing for old cars, farm equipment, junk yards, salvage yards, or collections of old tools, Americana, and opinionated proprietors, this is the place for you. There very well may even be ghosts - you certainly wouldn't catch me around this place after dark. There were a few old wooden shacks/buildings that could easily have been leftovers from bygone eras, but you could barely see them for all the junk cars and stuff haphazardly strewn around. It was a hoot to walk through the junkyard and see some of the odd things collected over the years, but it really did resemble a gold mine of scrap metal versus a ghost town. I wouldn't take small kids - too much for them to get lost in or hurt on. Oh, and there were some mine shafts and what was probably the related mine train tracks but again, so obscured with signs and stuff that I could have easily missed it.
  • t100baker
    We were staying in Sedona Arizona and decided to go to Clarksdale and take a ride on the Verde Canyon railroad. We got to Clarksdale early and had plenty of time to spare. So we drove to Jerome to check it out. At the end of the road is it King Gold Mine. It was basically a bunch of old buildings and a whole lot of old vehicles. some of the vehicles were interesting to look at. There was a working sawmill, with someone cutting large logs into lumber. Overall this place is kind of silly, but worth the nominal charge to get in.
  • GeraldA283
    This was the best part of my vacation, for anyone who ever wants to see where America sunk it's roots this place has history of manufacturing and hard work written all over it. Old machinery, tools, gadgets, animals, and an old timer to boot. I could spend 3 days there if I had the time. I also appreciate a businessman who doesn't hesitate to tell it like it is about the communist in charge right now. G.I.
  • daydreamer14
    Totally unexpected, awkward to find. A plethora of mechanical machines you'll most likely never see elsewhere. A few buildings remain, but not much. If you have any kind of mechanical aptitude, or have an appreciation for antique things everywhere you look, this is a junkyard dream! Lots of fun!
  • Cloud9west
    There are numerous signs leading up to this “genuine” abandoned mine ghost town. Free parking! Etc. You go inside a ramshackle gift shop and are charged $5 a head to basically walk around a junk yard. There is so much rust in this place, make sure you have had your tetanus shot, lest you step on any of the objects lying about everywhere. Of the couple of employees working in this tourist rip-off, one offers to show you how to pan for gold for an extra $10. Another stood in front of an old working saw mill that had anti-Obama messages plastered in front of it. Really? Political statements? Save your time and your money and go for a hike in Sedona. This place is horrible.
  • emjay44
    This is a photographers dream!!! I am going back in Feb as last year I only had an hour. I could spend a whole day here exploring and photographing really neat "stuff"
  • Davefromwis
    Not a ghost town at all. Just a guy's collection of old stuff and junk. Very disappointing. Basically you wander around some guys junk yard. Not much to do with mining or ghost towns.
  • Bill85210
    So you pay five bucks and some change to see some weird stuff...how much was your lunch in Jerome? Went to a "junk yard" in Ga that charged 25 bucks to get in...just cause you had a camera! (still worth it) Very unique stuff here. Really? An 1902 electric Studebaker? A lot of the vehicles run there still. Ya a lot not. Pick a better time of year then the snow/cold. I Could of walked for hrs taking pictures. Take your time and LOOK. Worth the stop.
  • Swansnest1993
    Most eclectic museum we've ever been to! We visited this place our first time in the Sedona area and it is one thing we said we'd definitely want to do again...so we did. If you are mechanically minded or love old vehicles, this is the place for you. If you like pristine exhibits and a docent tour, it's not. It is a great collection of mostly commercial trucks from early 1900s to 1970s. Some in mint condition, others as is. Many items you probably won't see anywhere else. Enjoyed the sawmill. Donkeys, goats and chickens add an interesting atmosphere to the place. Nice walk viewing outside displays but you can browse the various buildings too. All take you back in time to a different era of automobiles. If you get a chance to talk to Don, the owner, he is a wealth of information and knows the vehicles he has on the property. Don't be discouraged by reviews lamenting any political opinions. Everyone is entitled to theirs and it certainly isn't anything that detracts from the exhibits.
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