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georgia peanut commission

georgia peanut commission

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍

    The Georgia Agricultural Commodity Commission for Peanuts was established...


  • GFCTx
    There had been an electrical outage in the area just before our visit so the audio-visual presentations were not working, but the 2 ladies at the counter were warm and welcoming. We received a personal tour of the facilities, which are very modern and impressive.
  • CloggieUsa2001
    Hubby and I were expecting a bit more from the Georgia peanut commission, not only was it a bit of a disappointment, the video they showed us was not in closed captions for the deaf.. So basically hubby GOT IT I had to imagine what they were saying, I am sure it was OK for others but just not for us
  • TiftonTravelers
    A modern facility with the latest conservation concepts in saving electricity and water featuring peanuts-from the ground to the table with tasty recipes and fun exhibits.A perfect stop for interstate travelers!
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