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old governor's mansion

old governor's mansion

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
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  • JMAC2239
    has been spent restoring this old home. Kind of hard to believe that a state university has an extra $10 million to spend on an old home while tuition and all other costs escalate.
  • LarryAndKwan
    You don't need to visit at the holidays to enjoy, but you will be glad if you did. If these walls could talk I could only image the tales they could tell. A true living museum ready to allow you exterince history. A must see!
  • AlPesa_13
    For the first 60 plus years of the 18th Century Milledgeville served as the Capitol of Georgia. In 1869 after the Civil War Atlanta has served as the State capitol. The Old Governor's Mansion is one of the Antebellum trails most noted renovations. The history of the building includes the residence of the Governors as well as later the presidents of Georgia University, The building is very impressive in particular the rotunda was outstanding.
  • BonnieBrant
    This mansion is chock full of history. It has been renovated in recent years and is a quality experience from top to bottom. There is a lot to learn and even more to see as you find your imagination slipping into another time. You'll enjoy taking the tour.
  • MaconMemories
    The Mansion was the home of the Governor of Georgia from 1839 to 1864. General Sherman used the dining room as his residence in Milledgeville, Nov. 23, 1864. The governor had removed all the contents of the house before Sherman arrived on his March to the Sea. There were 30,000 Union troops in Milledgeville. The Mansion is especially beautiful decorated for Christmas.
  • tleeEvans
    Recently toward this house in December with my daughter and her friend who are attending college in Milledgeville. If you can only attend this tour one time I would suggest at Christmas time. The decorations that are throughout the home are very well done and you can tell a lot of volunteer hours were used in order to make them and put them up. Our tour guide that day was a very knowledgeable young man who knew a lot of history of the house and of the town of Milledgeville itself. The only thing that I think would make the tour more interesting was to have pictures of before and after the restoration
  • usatraveler5556_13
    Learned a lot about Georgia history at this first Governor's mansion. Beautiful rooms. They also do a beautiful job decorating the building for Christmas. Definitely worth a stop.
  • KailuaGal
    My husband and I toured the Old Governor's Mansion located on Georgia Military College in October while visiting friends. Our tour guide was extremely knowledgeable about the house's history. I was surprised to discover Milledgeville was the capital of Georgia during the Civil War. The restoration work they've accomplished to put the mansion back into its original state is amazing and so well done. Definitely take a tour of the Old Governor's Mansion if traveling through/visiting Milledgeville, GA.
  • originalbob
    The Old Governor's Mansion is, in terms of being a restored structure, one of the finest house museums in Georgia. It's gratifying to know that this huge, exceptional example of Greek Revival architecture is so well cared-for--not an easy proposition. Its many inhabitants were responsible for bringing their own furnishings, so original pieces are scarce, though the furniture that is here is well-chosen and representative.I would have given this five stars had the tour guide not been so seemingly interested in rushing through to end his day (we were part of the last tour, 4:00pm). Overviews of each room were brief; several questions yielded interesting details, and we'll never know what we didn't learn because we didn't think to ask.
  • DebP537
    Very knowledgeable guide, and very beautiful historical building in downtown Milledgeville. It was interesting to where see the capital was before moving it to Atlanta long ago. There is much Civil War history here.
  • Pwiddie
    The house was amazing and beautiful however our tour guide was less than enthusiastic to be there and it showed. The house and tour is certainly worth your time if you find yourself in Milledgeville.
  • davidkC4358TQ
    The outside of this building is impressive, primarily because if its size. Other homes in the area are smaller but more attractive. Once inside, the tour is fantastic. It's amazing how many furnishings, paintings, and other parts of early Georgia history are preserved here. A wonderful visit.As far as we could tell, there is no parking directly assigned to the mansion. You need to park on the street. We were able to get a place on the street behind the mansion. Public parking is two hours, plenty of time to see this great treasure.
  • Virga017
    The mansion is beautiful and the house has a lot of period pieces, but the highlight was the information provided by the tour guide. We got a good sense of the politics of the time period and how the governor's mansion operated.
  • Hattergirl1989
    This building is on the campus of Ga Military College. The grounds are gorgeous and well kept. I was not able to actually visit the inside of the museum but will definitely do so next visit.
  • PhyllisK567
    The Mansion is beautifully and accurately restored. It is a grand building and a wonderful way to learn some history. The tour was interesting, informative, entertaining, enthusiastic and was thoroughly enjoyed by our group of eight. The gift shop, restrooms, access were all very nice. Anybody traveling in the area should definitely make time for a visit to the Old Governor's Mansion.
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