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sam shortline excursion train

sam shortline excursion train

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • GabrieleS652
    The SAM Shortline runs from Cordele to Archery and back. But, suppose you don't want to go the whole distance? No problem, you'll get the same fine treatment and a surprising extra. If you get on and off in Americus, one of the stops along the route, you will be personally met by a driver who will return you to your car at the train depot. The reason is that on the return trip the train doesn't stop in Americus unless special passengers are on board. We had a great ride, enjoyed our visit in Plains and in Archery and especially appreciated the salute to the Veterans, two of whom happened to be part of our group.
  • chas218
    We took the SAM Shortline from Veterans Park to Plains to see Jimmy Carter flip the switch and turn on the town's Christmas lights. The location was great, since we were staying at the resort at the park. We got tickets in advance, but still had to stand in a slow line before we boarded the train. After that, the kids took a picture with Santa in front of the train. That was a nice touch. Then we boarded the train and sat in our assigned seats. Another nice touch, no fighting for a seat. It felt like an old-fashioned train ride, there were conductors in uniforms, and Santa even walked up and down the aisle taking pictures. A conductor got on the PA occasionally to give us information about what we were seeing. (Spoiler alert: There ain't much to see!) The 90 minute ride to Plains was fun. We arrived, saw President Carter, watched a quick parade, sat in a terrible cafe waiting for food, then hopped on the train and headed back. If you take the train, either eat a meal beforehand, or eat the Chick-Fil-A they have available, because the food options are slim in Plains, and even slimmer in Cordele once you get back. Overall, it was a fun trip for the kids, and a nice way to kick off the Christmas season.
  • grandmalovestravling
    Took the train ride to Plains to see the Christmas lights turned on by former President Carter and a parade. Enjoyed the train ride with family. Staff were all smiles and very helpful. Plains is a nice little town. The antique shops were reasonably priced. The restaurants were a little overwhelmed after the parade but everyone in our group loved the brownies we got at Buffalo's. We ate snacks from the commissary of the train on the way back and everyone's food was good. They ran out of some things, like the cheese for nachos and the Chik-fil-A sandwiches so if you eat on the train you might want to do it on the way to Plains or take your chances on the way back. Would probably only do once, but the kids seemed to enjoy seeing Santa on the ride back to the park.
    My wife and I rode the SAM Shortline's Peanut Express recently and were really impressed. The staff could not have been nicer or more helpful. Don't expect a glass smooth ride but the engineer did a great job of not "bumping" the cars around. There is not much to see on this trip; mainly farmland and forest. We had an hour layover in Leslie and Plains but a considerable amount of time was taken up with getting on and off the train. We rode in the premium car which was very nice but no where near worth the money we paid for it. I would save my money and ride in coach next time. Food is available for purchase on the train but overpriced; just keep in mind not every town along the route has dining options. Overall, you should take the time to ride the train.
  • 417raym
    SAM - For many years we looked forward to riding the SAM line from Veteran's State Park to Plains, GA . Having finally done so, we were rather disappointed. The Staff were very friendly, informative, and made every effort to make the trip enjoyable. The round trip from the State Park to Plains takes about 3 hours. However, riding in the car was like being in a refrigerator, BRRR. The staff, which are all volunteers, said they have to keep the cars cold to help preserve them due to their old age. Add to that the noisy and un-controlled children just made the trip even worse. The view along the route didn't offer anything notable. Yes, we lumbered through the town of Americus, but that too didn't offer a whole lot to see either. About the only notable sight was Georgia Northwestern State College. Would we do it again, NO.
  • brewColumbus_Georgia
    Originally booked this excursion thinking that only my 3 year old grand daughter would enjoy it. Boy-was I surprised! We boarded this particular Train excursion in Cordele Georgia and rode to Americus and Plains. We had layovers in both cities and were able to eat and shop. That said the Train itself is remarkable. Most cars are from around the 1940's. We rode the Premium Car and had snacks and free beverages. They also have a Coach and a Luxury car. They also have one car devoted to sandwich lunches and gift store. Prices vary depending on the excursion. My Grand Daughter was wide awake the entire trip and had a blast. So Did I!
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