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mănăstirea caraiman

mănăstirea caraiman

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • irina_druta
    It is a very nice monastery, worth visiting. The inside drawings are impressive. It is situated very near the mountain pick, I saw it in winter, but I guess it lookes as interesting in summer.
  • 605kathrynj
    This monastery is situated at the top of a hill so walking is fine if you feel fit otherwise take the car as there is ample parking. The monastery is in good order and the artwork etc preserved very well. This is one of the nicer looking monasteries I have visited where it has been well looked after.There is a nice shop at the entrance to buy religious items and books.Well worth a visit, an interesting place
  • Lapira_L
    This monastery is located in a stunning area with beautiful views of the mountain and trees in the background. We visited the site in December and the snow added to the beauty of the monastery.
  • Liviu_Malaescu
    I liked the place, near mountains and forest. I liked that is clean and full of flowers and nice arrangements.
  • zuv
    Situated at the foot of Caraiman massif,this monastery is not very old,founded in 1998.The area is wonderful,clean fresh air,mountains,peaceful atmosphere.It can accomodate100 guests, in three buildings.Each room is equipped with private bathroom.
  • mirekla
    Si trova ai piedi di Monte Bucegi - un luogo tranquillo e imerso nel verde dove puoi trovare un pezzo di spiritualita''.
  • 316stefanj
    Ich war schon in vielen Klöstern in Rumänien, doch das hat mir am besten gefallen. Die Anlage ist sehr groß und besteht aus zwei Kirchen, ein riesiges Kloster, einen Glockenturm, vielen Gärten, zwei Souveniershops und einem Gebetshaus, in dem wunderschöne Ikonen aufgehängt wurden. Die Aussicht auf die Berge ist ebenfalls unvergleichbar.
  • carolinap506
    fra i piu belli visitati, circondato da uno scenario naturale unico, assolutamente da vedere, facile anche parcheggiare
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