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    Two islands just a boat ride from Cannes, Ste-Marguerite and St-Honorat...


  • George_Abbott_2004
  • monicamasRome
  • malholme
  • NorthumberlandJulieR
  • bostonmilano123
  • SarahCorell
    Absolutely lovely day out.Views are breathtaking.I think we only paid €8 and it was worth every cent.So much to see.Will definitely be doing this again.
  • Kipp7272
    Iles de Lerins is an island of beauty. You'll walk past ancient vineyards, overlook the turquoise waters of the Cote d'Azur, be able to view a beautiful Abbey and take in a thousand years of history.
  • Pamela_PJ_Adams
    An inexpensive boat ride from the Cannes harbor will take you to the delightful islands of Man in the Iron Mask fame, as well home to some fine wines bottled by the monastery there. Serene, cool, and picturesque. Recommend it.
  • karthik0410
    There are two islands, St Honorat and St Marguerite - both around a 15-20min boat trip from Cannes. Will cost you around 15euros each. Nice isolated place compared to the Riviera, where one can have a nice walk to the fort.
  • Tyke1961
    Visited St Honorat - a beautiful quiet place in the middle of the crowded Riviera. The whole place carries a sense of calm amid all the activity so close by, and felt really special. Out of season when the crowds subside it must be a very special place indeed
  • Lionheart-Rich
    A private island, home to a group of monks that have a vineyard. The buildings are beautiful old ruins and the monastery is rather spectacular. The view from the top of the old fort is breathtaking. But that's about it. It's peaceful but there isn't much to see or do. The monastery and the fort are next to each-other, so within 15 minutes you can see them both. The monastery isn't open 99% of the time so you can only see it from the outside. All in all it was a very average experience considering what we were told before hand.
  • 470arlener
    They are a short boat ride from Cannes in beautiful setting. Lovely walks and good place to swim from little coves.You can't go to both islands on the same trip which is a pity if you are short of time.Ile Ste. Marguerite has an intersting old fort and museum as well as lovely walks through the woods.It is a pity that there doesn't seem to be a place to have real food by the harbour only rather tacky snack bars so it is best to take a picnic.Ile St. Honorat has a monastery with a vineyard and is very much more tranquil. One used to be able to go around the ruins of the original fortified monastery, but at my last visit it was fenced off.
  • robertjt136
    No better day out. I booked a great boat. With www.boatingbookings.com for my wonderful experience. Lying in the sun and swimming in the almost Carribean blue water. A day out to remember.
  • onebiker
    I stayed here a for a few days only . It was a freat and fun experience. Great food and nice frendly folks.
  • RajiMyths
    Both islands are beutiful with each having a different feel to it. In mid November the weather was still warm and beautiful, like an English September day. Reduced service, only 4 on our boat mid morning, but enough boats to take you out for a good day trip. Take a picnic - especially out of season as nothing's open that late in the year. I could spend endless time on either island as a total contrast from buzzy Cannes. A real treat and totally relaxing.
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