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  • 景点介绍

    Founded in the 12th century, Notre-Dame-de-Sénanque is a unique example of...


  • alecchen929
  • Autumntsai
    不知道是不是之前在Sault看到的薰衣草田都只有薰衣草而已的关系,来到abbaye de senanque时,觉得有薰衣草配上后面庄严的修道院真的很美。而且,这里重的薰衣草好像都有修整过,感学杂草很少,整片薰衣草紫的很漂亮。
  • Aka168
    盛开的薰衣草+古老美丽的教堂,还有甚么比这更浪漫? 恋人一定要来这里拍个合照!不过游客有点多,没办法,知名的景点总是会人满为患。当天也有点热,最好带个帽子或是撑个阳伞再来参观。里面的小教堂内有免费的厕所还有咖啡机可供休憩,教堂内部有需付费的展览,不过我们没有参加。拍完照放松完后就前往下个景点吧!
  • ChrisH3040
    This small community of Cistercian monks is a MUST-SEE for anyone visiting this area during July and August. This is when the lavender is at full bloom! The Abbaye is not a tourist site or museum but an actual monastery. Tours are available but only in French. We did not find it necessary to have a guide as the 12th century buildings: you can see the church, the cloister, the chapter-hall, the warming room and the ancient dormitory, are all very simple. The real attraction for me was the amazing fields of lavender! The monks harvest the plants and make products such as oil, soap, perfume, etc and sell it in their small gift shop. The proceeds help keep the monastery operating. Be aware: Proper dress is required, we saw many of the bike riders famous in this area turned away due to their biking outfits. Also, visiting hours are very limited and can be found on their web site. The drive is through some beautiful, winding, steep roads (thus the bicycling attraction) and it is somewhat off the beaten track but definitely worth the effort. After leaving the Abbaye, the small medieval hilltop city of Gordes is a perfect stop for lunch. (L'Artegal being our choice!) On the way back to Les Baux, we stopped in the small city of St. Remy de Provence for some cobblestone street shopping. Perfect for a leg stretch and a glass of rosé!
  • Ult2014
    I arrived at this Cistercian Abbey while out exploring the area in and around Gordes on a run that had taken me through densely shaded woodland. Coming down the hill into the grounds of the abbey, I was instantly struck by the pervading sense of tranquility and peacefulness. While there were large numbers of visitors around (it was the month of August after all), it was easy to find quieter spaces from which to enjoy the stunning setting. The church provided cool respite from the heavy heat of the day. The buzz of the honey bees in the lavender and the clicking of the ubiquitous cicadas could be heard at every turn. A lovely stopping point before the climb back up over the steep hill which led back to Gordes.
  • bravo-cinzia
    The Cistercians have a reputation for seeking out some of the most beautiful settings to build abbeys and Senanque is no exception! Both the building and the grounds are utterly breathtaking. You will not be experiencing it in sublime near solitude, though! The parking lot filled with buses is the first clue. However, this is not a reason to miss the experience. On the contrary, it makes an even stronger case for visiting because despite the lines to enter, the power of the place is so great that the crowds will dissolve and you will soak it in happily. If you are practical, arrive early, see what can be seen and escape! Don't get stuck in the gift shop.
  • kemariahd
    The best time to visit the Abbey is during summer where the lavenders are fully bloomed. The whole area smells of lavender as soon as you drive into the parking lot. There are a fair bit of area to walk abt including the Abbey. The souvenir has a lot to offer if you are looking for souvenirs. Simply an aromatic walk n visit.
  • BryanG464
    Unless you are near Gordes or staying near the Abbey, the drive might be a bit much. However, if you are going to make it, plan to take your time and make a day of it. The Abbey grounds are beautiful and and smell of lavender can be quite overwhelming. The gift shop offers a nice variety of abbey-made lavender products and the scenery is quite lovely (though that can be said for large swathes of Provence of course). There are easier lavender fields to visit in Provence but this little mountain valley is well worth a stop if you can fit it in.
  • PamelaH752
    We drove here, along a hilly, winding road in the countryside. The abbey buildings are simple and unornamented, according to Cistercian custom. The abbey is still functioning today, with monks living on the property. The church is massive and impressive: very simple interior with light pouring into the dark space from windows up on high. No elaborate stained glass here. We walked down a small path, past the abbey's garden and clothes lines--day-to-day trappings for the abbey residents. We visited in the fall, so the famous lavender fields were not in bloom, but it's a tranquil place well worth a visit. The shop carries products made in abbeys across France: soap, honey, herbs, etc.
  • 708Robin
    Was here in late July in time to see the lavender in full bloom in front of this beautiful old abbey. Do not miss this if you are in area as it is quite stunning. It is located just outside Gordes.
  • megeen
    the smell alone as you drive down to the Abbey is magical! If you're lucky enough to be there when the monks are singing Vespers, well it's other worldly.
  • DeniseB63
    Walking the path towards the abbey, rewards you with the views and the silence of the hills around you and the now harvested lavendar fields in front of a very picturesque Abbey and Church. Inside the simple, not overly decorated Romanesque Church you get a feeling of the spiritual rituals that have taken place here since 1148 A.D. We did not tour the Abbey. The length of your visit depends on whether you tour the Abbey or not.
  • ChrisH468975
    Drove for a while to get here expecting lovely views and smells and found what was a fairly scrubby area with dead looking lavender. Biggest disappointment when we were in Provence. Lavender everywhere except in its most iconic place.
  • kyem
    The abbey is 10 min by car from Gordes. Beautiful and well treated abbey building and gardens. Spectacular place, cycled by lavender fields.The are no English tours, but only French ones.Worth short visit.
  • natalka84
    This XII century monastery is in mint condition... it has an amazing aura that has made me sit down in wonder of the simplicity and power of the interior. Moreover this place is alive with the resident monks, even though they were nowhere to be seen when I visited - they have their own work I'm sure. Near the abbaye is the town Gordes - a must see also. It is a very nice tour to visit both places in one day. Recommend this place to belivers, or simply lovers of architecture and culture, people sensitive to magic atmosphere and the feeling of ages past. You can also attend mass during service hours. There is a nice shop where you can buy books, religious cards, crosses but also a cola or chocolate bar, and a nice bar of local lavender soap.
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