The Gveleti Waterfalls near Stepandsminda are another very very beautiful place in Georgia.Also situated in an almost untouched nature the calmness and peace that you feel in this place isamazing. After a short hike (15 min) you reach this natural waterfall.In the summer you can have a natural shower there, but the waterfall is impressive andbeautiful during every time of the year. Also a must see if you are in Stepandsminda!!
Waterfall is quite hard to find, you have to follow a track round the top of the village in order to get to the start of the two walks. The better waterfall comes off the side of the track over a little bridge, the path is a bit overgrown, but is easy to follow. The smaller waterfall comes off the end of the turning point at the top of the track.
My country is rich in beautiful places, and if you get in Kazbegi Gveleti should see a waterfall that surprises visitors with its beauty
The weather was too cloudy to climb high in the Caucasus so we attempted the short hike to Gveleti waterfalls instead. The hike starts at the village of Gveleti, close to the Russian border. There is no signposting from Gveleti but you simply follow the unpaved road south out of the village. After passing a couple of houses you leave the road, cross the river and follow the blue and white paint marks for about 15 minutes to the waterfall. There is a second waterfall in the area that is also easy to reach. Instead of turning off at the bridge follow the road to its end at a small grass car-park. This is a good lunch stop as there's a small picnic bench. The trail starts beyond this and after 10 minutes or so reaches a small waterfall.Compared to other hikes in the area, the scenery on the Gveleti is relatively tame. However, it's a good first hike in the Kazbegi area as it's short and there's little altitude gain. The road from Gveleti ends at a small picnic area which is a good place to
We had trouble finding this as our driver didn't speak English and had never heard of them, but we persisted and found it eventually. Some signage off the road would certainly be helpful as there is nothing to tell you which was to go to find them. There is another waterfall so take your pick if you have time, otherwise vere to the left first and just keep going. It's worth it.
A nice waterfall in the vicinity of Stepantsminda (Kazbegi).A jeep driver can take you up through the boring part to some abandoned cabins, and from there it's a 20 minutes of steady ascent up a stream surrounded by meadows to the waterfall itself.Pack some Khatchapuri and Khinkali to go and enjoy a nice picnic at the feet of this waterfall. Return the same way.The short trek is ideal for stretching your feet after the drive from Tbilisi.
После обильных грузинских застолий неплохо прогуляться к водопаду.Село Гвелети находится недалеко от российской границы. Это одно из старых ингушских сел, но теперь там живут грузины. Оттуда начинается тропа к водопаду. Идти где-то 30-40 минут, зависит от темпа. Не слишком тяжело, но путь лежит в гору. Карабкаешься как козочка по тропе вверх, и вот он - Гвелетский водопад!
По дороге в Казбеги нам повезло с водителем, он возил нас в лучшие места природного парка. Я не знаю всех названий, но отдельно хочется отметить Гвелетский водопад и долину Терека. Погулка на водопад может стать разминочной, расстояние совсем не большое. Однако засчет постоянного подъема/спуска дорога будет интересной.
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