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chiesa santa chiara

chiesa santa chiara

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • 978dianek
    It was a very gray day, so we did not pay the fee to walk up into the bell tower. The church itself was nice inside.
  • LindaDownunder
    Chiesa Santa Chiara is a lovely baroque church and convent with a very interesting history.You must pay the 2 euro to climb up the 90 steps the bell tower for fantastic views of beautiful Noto.Read all the information of the history of the church/ convent on your way up.
  • UKDiego
    Worth spending 2 euro per person to see the view from the top of the bell tower. In busy times the staircase can be a bit congested.
  • C2880JFjuliec
    Very pretty church with amazing view from the top of the bell tower. For just €2 each to climb you get stunning views of Noto. We loved it!
  • kathyh554
    Well worth €2 ticket to climb in to the roof. The views were stunning of Noto itself and the landscape beyond.
  • quin88
    The church itself is nice but what makes this church a must do are the views from the terraces on the roof. You can see down over the lovely streets and across to the cathedral. Well worth the 2 euro charge.
  • Zalezna
    One of the best experience in Noto. Inside you can find lot of informations about Noto in english which are difficult to get in other places. I hightly recomend you to buy a ticket to get on the tarrace as the view from there is just perfect!
  • meltus1
    i love the structure of the building, its such a wonderful building with and somepart of the the wall was painted with gold
  • 144DavidS144
    Well worth climbing to the terrace for a view behind the scenes of this lovely church, AND for views of Noto. Only 1.5 euros.
  • 635cristina
    bellissima chiesa da vedere con il percorso delle suore di clausura sulle terrazzeunica pecca il comune ha portato via parte del convento e nn si uo girare nelle parti in cui vivevano
  • Puteshestvenniza
    Обязательно нужно посетить эту церковь, находясь в Ното. Красивая архитектура, непередаваемая атмосфера.
  • silvio49
    Andateci e fatevi accompagnare dai ragazzi che fanno la guida , bravissimi , preparati ed appassionati della loro attività ed amanti della loro città. Merita .
  • Diabolik1967
    Una chiesa imponente... all'interno del quale all'inizio lo stile gotico turba un poco. Ma poi vieni conquistato (nella penombra della luce) da questo fantastico edificio religioso che a volerlo ammirare scrupolosamente nella sua interezza trascorri tanto tempo senza nemmeno accorgetene...
  • EmyC78
    Questa chiesa è molto bella nella sua semplicità degli arredi spicca il bianco contornato dall'oro vi aleggia un silenzio innaturale e vi si trovano le suore raccolte in preghiera. Peccato non aver potuto visitare le terrazze perchè eravamo in ritardo, ma comunque consiglio una visita al suo interno
  • Gusevaks
    Гуляя по Ното, обязательно зайдите в эту церковь. Мы встретили там двух увлеченных итальянцев-экскурсоводов, один из которых на хорошем английском языке за 15-20 минут рассказал нам историю города, его строений, жителей и основные события последних 5 веков. Сделать это было не сложно, так как поднимаясь все выше и выше во время рассказа, вы попадаете на террасу с необыкновенным видом. И не только сам Ното, но и "весь юг" Сицилии расстилается перед вашим взором. Фиксированной ставки оплаты не было, сказали заплатить сколько считаем нужным. Обратите внимание на полы из очень древней керамической плитки и буквы имени Божьего, через которые рассветные лучи попадают внутрь церкви.
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