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porto canale

porto canale

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍


  • 匿名
    nice place to visit and to see, with just a word: wonderful.connected to Leonardo Da Vinci inside the canal you can find the historical ships from tjis area.all around typical restaurants with romagnola cuisine
  • 600micheleb
    Worthy a visit during summer or during main holidays. There are great events running like Christmas markets and wine tastes
  • Gianinaaa
    This is a very romantic place to visit. It's a local harbour where you still can see typical boats and fishing vessels from "another time". It is all surrounded by restaurants offering all kinds of fish. You won't literally know what restaurant to choose because there are too many!Hint: go there at sunset... Too beautiful to be true.
  • mcswegan
    This is a beautiful canal which has some superb restaurants along it, there are numerous photo spots & it is nice to walk all the way down to the sea.if you don't like crowds then avoid the Fish festival because it is heaving with people stuffing fried fish down their necks & lots of grub tents.
  • Lanasstory
    It is very cozy and beautiful place with lots of interesting shops and cafes. this place is especially beautiful at night when it is all in lights, and tourists go for a walk
  • georgeg362
    A clean canal with antique boats with painted sails. T.his is a place which would be liked by photographic enthusiasts. Besides this canal the surrounding is kept in an antient state, that even makes it better
  • 251leat
    There are a lot of old boat. Small restraint near the canal with tasty food. You can take great photo!
  • SaschaG314
    If in Cesenatico, you should not miss this canal. It has the style of some of the Venetian lagoon islands or of Comacchio, a bit further north of Ravenna. There are fisher-boats moored along the canal which is lined on both side with pedestrianised streets. There are a few quaint shops along the canal and, although touristy, it does not feel too much this way due to the presence of real fisher-boats with their nets and other gear
  • ExpTravellerOulu
    Beautiful place if you are not disturbed by working fishing boats.According to my Italian friends, the restaurants at the North side of the channel are better and less expensive.
  • trevorb507
    We came upon Porto canale whilst travelling down to rimini and I'm glad we did, it is picture perfect. Despite being a working port the look and feel of it is almost like it was set up for the tourist. Didn't have a lot of time here but would have liked to linger longer.
  • J7246YHjohnm
    Firstly You. Eyed to remember this is a working port which was designed by Leonardo da Vinci to stop the harbour entrance from silting up and it is spectacular on a warm evening with a glass of chilled wine watching the fishing boats coming in and trying to decide which of the great restaurants along the quay to eat at when we stayed there was a free classical evening at the mouth of the harbour which just added to the wonderful evening A joy
  • Vane7306
    Premetto che io sono della Sardegna e quindi non posso assolutamente paragonare il mare ma il Porto Canale è veramente carino e caratteristico. Ho mangiato una domenica a pranzo in un ristorante a fianco una splendida barca, molto suggestivo. Bellissime le barche antiche, autentici pezzi da Museo. Posto consigliatissimo anche solo per una giornata dove mangiare del buon pesce, sentire l'allegria romagnola e passeggiare lungo il Canale....
  • giangoc
    bellissimo il porto con i suoi pescerecci e le barche antiche, sempre bello sia in estate che inverno, meraviglioso a natale con le luci e il presepe della marineria
  • AlessiaPalerm0
    Dopo averlo visto sia d'estate che d'inverno, posso dire che durante il periodo natalizio, le barche illuminate ed il presepe hanno un certo fascino! Se si è da quelle parti, impossibile non fare un salto a vederlo... a prescindere dalla stagione!
  • 393matteop
    Il Porto Canale è famosissimo in tutta Italia, le barche ormeggiate da esposizione sono pezzi d'arte! Immancabile andarci nel periodo natalizio
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