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rocca borromea di arona

rocca borromea di arona

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍



  • 332AndreaF332
    I liked the place, the view, the remnants of the castle. A little les the parking place.Altogether is a beautiful place which is to be seen ,among the other beauties of the Lago Maggiore
  • IrinaM948
    Nice place to walk around if you have several free hours and you want to enjoy fantastic view (Arona and Lake from the top). Don't forget comfortable shoes and enjoy the views!
  • richardsE255FM
    For people staying in Stresa and deciding to visit the fort there is a problem in that the main ferry service runs very few boats there and back. The earliest you can go is 12.05 and the latest you can return is 15.54. This sounds fine but you need not to waste your time. The walk from the landing to the fort takes a good 20 minutes and in spite of the sign to the contrary, which is for cars, is best achieved by turning left and first right and following signs carefully. The fort itself is somewhat frustrating for visitors as there appears to be no map or guide to help plan your visit and it is very easy to miss whole sections plus, as a consequence, very hard to plan your time. Having got these problems out of the way there is a great deal to enjoy and as long as you don't get lost before you start, as we did, enough time to enjoy it.
  • MaximS686
    Having spent many days - and even weeks on the lake Maggiore- I went to the "dark side". And I did not regret. Angera on its own is a nice and quite town versus crowder touristic Arona and stresa on the lake's Western coast. Take time and walk through its streets all the way to the castle do in acting over the lake and surrounding area. I have seen Bert preserved abd bigger castles. But I really enjoyed the visit to Rocca Borromeo. Expositions of medieval gardens and dolls are cute. It's worth going.
  • PierreFrenchTraveler
    Doll and toy museum more funny than anything but e place is very nice. Like the view and the tower climbing.
  • CarolB353
    When visiting Arona, this is a wonderful place to explore and for taking photo's of the lake. In the summer, there are also concerts under the stars. Bring something comfortable to sit on and take in the beautiful views and sounds.
  • CT_Programmer
    We had fun exploring this large castle. It has a HUGE doll museum that is (my guess) one of the largest and best in the world. I mean, the collection went on and on with tons of dolls and toys from the 16th century and on. Climbing up to the top tower gave spectacular views of Lake Magiore. There's also a small cafe.
  • 786MauricioA
    The best view on the side of Lombardia over the Lake Maggiore. Services and Parking all over the roads that takes you there.
  • EurasieTravelAsia
    Up on the hill and overlook to the lake, very nice spectacular. With gardens at the back. Herb, fruit, flower and so on.
  • SThagard
    Less than 40 minutes from Malpensa, on the southern shore of Lake Maggorie, sourounded by mountains, Arona oozes Italy. The wide promenade runs the length of the city with the lake on one side and cozy streetside restaurants on the other. When you land by train or bus, you are just steps from the center of the town and the shopping promenade. Tuesday is an amazing 'Flea Market' with at least a hundred vendors with wonderful quality merchandise. From the port are there are boats to many places on this second largest lake in Italy. one of my favorite days is the Laggo Maggorie Express. you will board the train for a scenic 2 hour train ride to Domodossola. from ther you board a small local train that takes you on a 1.5 hour slow train ride through the Italian Alps with scenery you can't get enough of, to Locarno Switzerland. After about an hour or so in Locarno you board the Valpensa Ferry for a 3.5 hour cruise back to Arona. you will be stopping at several notable places on the lake. Stressa, the Bormmeo Castle and others. you may have dinner on the boast as well as cocktails.My favorite thing about Arona are the off the beaten path restaurants. Arona boasts one of the premier hotel and restaurant schools of Italy and several of the instructors own outstanding little (some large) restaurants that will amaze you. The little places along the Promenade are fine for a cocktail or snack but for the true flavor of Italy, seek out the little places along the side streets. One of my many favorites is Calicanto. Just about 2.5 blocks off the main street in an old villa that reeks history. On a sunny day you may be seated on the patio overlooking the gardens! Inside is elegantly casual but service is always formal. The food is always prepared fresh, no package or frozen. The menu is extensive. They do weddings, business meetings, special events and romantic dinners for two. You will not be disappointed. Info@ilcalicanto.biz
  • ValeTopo87
    questo posto è stata una scoperta...la rocca in sè è quasi del tutto crollata..ma la vista del lago che si gode ti lascia completamente senza parole...c'è un bel parco, dove si può fare una sorta di mini "giro botanico" dato che ci sono dei cartelli con il nome delle piante. C'è anche un bel bar e il parco giochi con bambini...consiglio di non portare il pallone perchè ho visto palloni lanciati con troppa forza persi per sempre nel dirupo.
  • Marcelotti2013
    Como toda cidade do Lago maggiore , a cidade de Arona é magnifica , muito bonita , cheia de atrações e a Roca Borromea é uma delas
  • gaetanob848
    La Rocca Borromea di Arona - luogo dove sorgeva l'antico castello in cui nacque S. Carlo Borromeo e distrutto da Napoleone ... - è luogo godibile nei giorni di bel tempo per la sua posizione elevata che consente uno sguardo ampio sul Lago Maggiore e sui dintorni anch'essi disseminati di piccoli laghi, sopratutto sulla sponda lombarda.L'aspetto storico purtroppo non è presente, perchè la Rocca - ancorchè recentemente sistemata dall'invadenza della verzura a cura del Comune di Arona - semplicemente non esiste più. Vi sono pochi e indefiniti ruderi residui dell'ottocentesca esplosione che distrusse tutto.
  • MarioR490
    dopo una visita ad Arona, siamo andati a vedere la Rocca.In realtà c'è rimasto solo qualche rudere, ma il bosco attorno e i giardini sono ben curati.Il vento era decisamente forte e contribuiva a rendere più nitido il panorama davvero mozzafiato.il Lago Maggiore sotto di noi, increspato e bellissiomo.Le montagne fino alla Svizzera.Davvero emozionante.
  • Charlmagn
    A pochi minuti dal centro di Arona, cittadina molto caratteristica, si trova la Rocca; vale sicuramente la pena arrivarci per godere del panorama mozzafiato che si snoda sulla sottostante cittadina e su tutto il lago, veramente spettacolare. Della rocca, invece, rimane poco quanto niente, un muraglione esterno, e qualche rudere di torrione.
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