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centro equestre el dorado jumping team

centro equestre el dorado jumping team

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • TessRead
    The El Dorado jumping team organise great horse and pony riding lessons. We were able to just turn up and book lessons for an hour's time on two different days in the week. My 9 year old had a great lesson on a lovely brown horse - at the end of the hour she was able to make the horse trot with no lead. And my 5 year old had a lovely time on gorgeous ponies, learning how to steer and ride them. 25 euros for an hour's lesson for the 9 year old, and 20 euros for45 mins lesson for the 5 year old. Thanks, guys!
  • Fantif68
    Ottima passeggiata a cavallo per principianti e bambini che possono utilizzare i pony. Cavalli tranquilli e posto ben curato. Istruttori bravi e competenti.
  • Malise_2010
    Finalmente le bimbe hanno potuto sentirsi a loro agio a cavallo grazie ai Pony e alla razza Appalusa ( femmine) non hanno avuto timore dell'altezza. Le istruttrici molto pazienti. Forse un po' più caro rispetto al maneggio a La Thuile.
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