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tappeiner promenade

tappeiner promenade

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • 277gabrieleg
    Starting from the down town (close to the small castle), you can take this promenade and walk on the hills that surrounding the city. Easy access also for children on stroller, it takes one hour to arrive to romanic bridge, then you can go back wth Gilt promenade.
  • monsita1910
    Go ahead and take this hike. Go all the way up to Swiss City and come back down in the bus. Worth the effort. Once you get down, reward yourself with a gelato!
  • Saskiagrav
    They really did it well all those years ago when this wonderful park was established . It is a glory to visit and well maintained . There are cafes and a few bars along the way , not too many to spoil it.Take a book as many do and sit on one of the menu park benches to enjoy the tranquility there. The river rushing by has you in another place , imagining Sisi walking here on a fine day . It is a must see place , truly beautiful.
  • klara40
    A nice steady walk along the river. With excellent views over merano. Lovely cafés along the way. Definately recommend.
  • alisonp595
    Lovely walks up and down the promenade along side the very fast flowing river. Plenty of seats to rest and take in the views, most in the shade under the trees.
  • groovychickMelbourne
    Well worth a few hours walking if you are that way inclined. It was lovely to get higher above the city and get great views of Merano. I enjoyed the scenery as well as the exercise. Worth doing!
  • FabCabia
    Good path, well signed and shady in parts which is good on the really hot days. Suitable for all abilities.
  • Wolverine73
    This lengthy trail on a ridge above Merano offers wonderful panoramic views of the city and valley below. I did not find the trail itself quite as attractive as some reviewers found it, but it is clean and pleasant, reasonably well decorated and has the occasional restaurant. It was a refreshing walk and fun way to spend a hour or so looking at the scenery below.
  • PatriciaK993
    We walked along the Tappeiner Promenade on the Saturday morning of our visit to Merano. We started early right after breakfast at our hotel, went along some tree-lined streets and up a few hills to start at the top end of the promenade going downward into the town. My partner lived in Merano years ago, and then he used to take his morning jog here before work. This promenade was paved all along the route and quite easy for most people to go along, we did meet several joggers going in both directions, so still popular with the locals. The views along the way were very nice, Merano is certainly a very green town in all directions. We passed a number of guest houses and cafés on our way, cottage gardens filled with herbs and flowers, and a number of exotic plants, also several vineyards, very picturesque! Palm trees may not be what you would expect to find in the South Tyrollean mountains but here they were along the Tappeinerweg :-) My partner said this was as far north as palm trees would grow, the climate being humid and temperate. We passed the Gunpowder Tower from the Middle Ages on our way downward into Merano, and then over onto another part of the walk which I think was called the Gilf promenade. Here there was a roaring waterfall leading into the Gilf river, wild-water canoeing competitions are traditionally held here every year. Also along this part of the promenade were several extraordinary and more than life-size plant figures/sculptures, a figure of Atlas carrying the world on his shoulders,a giant woodpecker up a tree, and a huge Anaconda-like snake that under no circumstances anyone would want to meet in the forrest in real life! :-) These figures were very well done, and also along the path were a number of benches with "poetry" quotes etched into them. We were soon down into Merano itself, and after an hour's wandering we sat down and relaxed at a small restaurant with lovely coffee before going back to our hotel. A really nice walk in green and pleasant nature that most Travellers would enjoy, fun for kids too, especially the plant figures!
  • JillW236
    Winding shaded path up the side of the valley studded with small gardens (e.g.a herb garden),cafés and restaurants leading towards Dorf Tirol village.Starts at the Gunpowder Tower but can be joined at various points such as the top of the chairlift.
  • Retired7206
    Catch a bus towards Thurnstein Castle and walk slowly back to Merano admiring the panoramic views - about 3-4 miles.Plenty of little restaurants on the way to try some Apple Strudel!
  • hannabeast1
    This is one of those things that you can spend as little or as much time as you'd like at. It's an easy walk - paved and wide. The views are amazing and so many gorgeous flowers and gardens to look at. There are also some restaurants along the way, although the one was pretty pricey. My husband & I had brought our own food and had a nice little picnic on one of the many benches that line the trail.
  • tim5212
    The Tappeiner Way, and the Gilf Promenade that leads up to it, are evidence that a landscape designed by humans can be as inspirational as anything occurring in nature. As you walk them, your mood is very likely to change for the better. That's true of Merano generally, but it's specifically true of the designed walks above the town. As you gaze down from the Tappeiner Way to the quiet town below, you get a sense of a lived history: you're in the presence of something very special.
  • Sheet_bend
    One end of it isn't too accessible, being half way up a hill. That said, a bus will take you there.This is a lovely walk above the city of Merano. Flat, peaceful, pleasant.But I'd recommend one of the Waalwegs on the other side of the valley for a lovelier view and more interesting time.
  • totankayotanka
    Easy to get to and not too hard a walk, but if the weather is very hot think about getting the bus back. There is an exellent little restaurant towards the end of the path, perfect for a small beer or apple juice to freshen up with.
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