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castello aragonese

castello aragonese

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • gregd379
    The castel is in good condition and it offers the best landscape I ever seen in Italy. The caste is very easy to reach because is in a very central location. Don´t miss it!!!
  • BobxxxxCindy
    We were lucky to go on a day that was not busy. We had a great guide that was a Naval officer. He had been at the fort for several years and had the history and archeological items down pat. The tour covers history of the site for many centuries and he showed us virtually the whole castle. I would think kids would really enjoy.
  • theterminator65
    Really wonderful castle & a must for anyone vaguely interested in te history of Taranto & the med in general. What was really surprising is that they offer free guided tours - I think every hour , right up until the early hours.... a great service!
  • JuliaS582
    I can't rate this experience more highly. We turned up at 9:30 and were offered a private guide because the other tourists were all Italian speaking. Our guide's English was excellent, as was his knowledge of the site and the history of Taranto. The tour focuses on the castle's changing structure through the ages (starting with the Greeks in around 2nd century BC). It was fascinating to see the evidence of this as well as hearing how the changes reflected the changes in warfare style and available weapons. All the guides are employed by the navy (ours was a submariner petty officer) and this experience gives an authentic perspective to the discussions on warfare styles and so forth. The details are really fascinating.Tours run every 2 hours or so (precise timetable that they adhere to), with the first one at 9:30 am and the last one at 1:30 am (not a typo!).
  • Lapira_L
    The view of the castle is amazing and we were fortunate with the presence of a a three mast schooner moored next to the Castello.
  • DW111
    Si esprime sincero rammarico per l'accaduto; si informa che il Castello Aragonese di Taranto è aperto tutti i giorni a visite guidate gratuite della durata di circa 90 minuti con inizio alle ore 9.30 e termine alle 3.00 di notte. Le guide sono sottufficiali della Marina Militare Italiana; il 70% di essi sa esprimersi in lingua inglese. Comunque nel caso di turisti stranieri le visite sono precedute dalla visione di un filmato in inglese della durata di 15 minuti che fornisce la descrizione generale del castello; inoltre in ogni locale della fortificazione vi sono descrizioni in inglese, francese e tedesco per consentire ai turisti stranieri di comprendere il castello anche qualora la guida non parli la loro lingua. Non è autorizzata la visita al' interno della fortificazione senza la guida a causa della complessità e tortuosità del percorso di visita.Cordiali Saluti. Lo staff del Castello Aragonese.
  • 83carrieg
    One of the best looking castles I have seen in Southern Italy. In a very central location and free to enter with tours every two hours. I wish I would have had more time to go inside and check this castel out.Right next to the drawbridge that separates the old and new parts of the city.
  • 772FabioC
    Castle is centrally located and in this strategic position, an amazing view can be seen. This place is surraunded of nice buildings.
  • Gratur2013
    You can visit this beautiful ancient Castle in Taranto every day, you don't pay anything!Taranto, the City of two seas, shows his past in a delightful corner along the shipping canal!There are four towers, it's possible to visit them togheter with ancient norman and swabian galleries!Inside there are rests of an ancient "CAVA" with the rock,a large number of fictile statues,vases,coins discovered during the restoration ...You must visit this old castle situated near the famous "Ponte Girevole" in Taranto!
  • kovie276
    The entrance and tour is free however, the tour guide spoke little english and we missed out a lot on the tour's presentation.
  • Lapira_L
    The architecture and views of this naval fortress is well worth visiting. The guide presented a detailed account of the history of the fortress. Exploring the various areas and the views both form the fortress and outside will not disappoint the traveller.
  • alwaystraveling003
    Great grounds and beautiful views. You can only visit during specific times, which was ok as we saw enough just walking around the outside.
  • Murphys346
    We went hoping to book a guided tour in English, which are given by members of the Italian Navy. We were offered a guided tour there and then for just the 2 of us. The castle has such an interesting past and our guide was very knowledgeable and funny. We had a very enjoyable visit and would have liked to have stayed longer and looked at more of the exhibits.
  • nmariani
    very well managed tours given by the Italian Naval officers. A great hour exploration and experience. Great for any age!
  • The_1st_Lady
    We were treated to a tour, just the 3 of us. The guide spoke excellent English and was very happy to answer any questions and it didn't cost us a penny. Check outside for tour times.
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