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peschici centro storico

peschici centro storico

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍


  • Isurehopeso
    Peschici is wonderful place to spend as much time as you have to spend. Yes it is off the beaten track, but that makes it more appealing not less so.The scenery is gorgeous, the centro storico is adorable, the people are amazing and the food and wine isn't too bad either :)Take your time and wander in and out of all the little streets, enjoy some delicious gelato amd other treats as you check out the scene, the stores, the beach and life in small town Italy. We were there in early June which is a near perfect time to go---no crowds, no noise, nothing but bliss. Rent an appartment and buy groceries daily, prep your own food etc as we did and you will find yourself deperately wanting to stay so much longer than your original plans first indicated. Peschici is one of the many little secrets of Italy. If you go, have a wonderful time---just don't spoil it by telling too many people tho :)
  • Pilates_Gal
    Small beach town on a cliff which stole our hearts. Centro storico felt ancient. Picturesque village with friendly people and a great place to get away from it all.
  • PhilipR864
    Lovely old town with some great restaurants. We stayed at the Locanda al Castello which has a terrific restaurant. This is unspoilt Italy at it's best.
  • 587sabe
    Very beautiful small southern italian town. Great beaches, great food and wine and great people.I have to return every once in a while.
  • edan
    I went to Peschici last September and strolled around one morning. The market was in town, there was a big band playing outdoors, the cafés and local stores were inviting. We didn't see much because we were just passing through, but we are returning this year for another longer visit. Enoy!
  • newyorkscreen
    The only trouble with telling anybody how utterly delightful they will find Peschici is that too many visitors might ruin the absolute charm.Peschici feels like a big little village. People are warm and friendly. The streets are filled with happy children, delightful dogs and very, very friendly natives. When there, you must stop for coffee and gelato and say hello to Rocco, the delightful hard working young man at the Caffe immediately next-door to the tower. Not everybody in town speaks English, but in just about a minute Rocco will make you feel like a welcome long lost cousin.Peschici is not a tourist attraction, it is where real people live and work and take the time to be welcoming and friendly. The beach is a delight, but the real reason to be there is the charm of this unspoiled little piece of heaven.
  • angelavol
    Absolutely charming village. Whitewashed houses and Cobblestone streets. Very ancient.It was wonderful to visit because it was the home of my husbands grandmother.Lovely restaurants and souvenir shops. The old castle was a reminder of how brutal it was in that century. The village sits atop a steep cliff overlooking the Adriatic which made it even more breathtaking!!!
  • dricalderini
    Peschici é uma cidadezinha mediterrânea contruída sobre as pedras que mantém a história, a arquitetura e a cultura local. É interessante notar que parece que o tempo não passou por lá. Vale a pena explorar as vielas e tirar belíssimas fotos dos seus cenários cinematográficos!!
  • Marcobiscott
    Posto incantevole centro storico davvero particolare e caratteristico cucina di qualità quasi in tutti i locali conosco bene questo paesino e lo consiglio almeno una volta nella vita di visitarlo unica pecca i parcheggi.....tutto il resto pura meraviglia!!!! Un piccolo consiglio comprate spezie e prodotti tipici dai piccoli venditore sulle strade e in centro sono davvero di qualità ed introvabili lo consiglio vivamente !!!!
  • Dea1907
    Bellissimo panorama e nelle viette del paese ci sono negozi, gelaterie e un profumo di dolci che si sente per tutte le stradine.
  • 33raffaelee
    Uno spettacolo di negozi colort e da non perdere la terazza che si affaccia sul mare una vista mozzafiato,da assagiare le paposcie di Peschici (tipico di Peschici)
  • giuliettona
    Chi viene sul gargano non può non andare a visitare la piccola e graziosa Peschici. Fare il giro per le viuzze del centro storico sentendo odori e profumi di fiori e prodotti casarecci appena sfornati. Che dire delle botteghe e negozietti dove potrete acquistare prodotti casarecci locali e regali da portare dopo un viaggio come ricordo. Obbligo la macchina fotografica, scarpe comode xchè ci sono scale e salite e cappello per ripararsi dal sole che durante l'estate scottttta un pò. Anche crema solare protettiva.. E vicino potrete ammirare la Baia di San Nicola, unica nel suo genere.....ed i tramonti spettacolari di Monte pucci. Chi visita il gargano resta incantato e si porta a casa un bagaglio di sapori unici. Consiglio anche il giro con le barche per visitare le stupende grotte.
  • andreabT8694SD
    L'odore dei cassonetti e dell'ape piaggio che bruciano miscela no ti dico che soddisfazione se abbinata ad una temperatura di 40.Le casette sono carine, l centro
  • hajo23
    Viele kleine Geschäfte und Restaurants finden sich hier in der Altstadt. Man kann einige Zeit Herumbummeln und Einkaufen, typische Touristensachen aber durchaus auch anspruchsvolles Kunsthandwerk - und immer wieder herrliche Aussichten auf das Meer und den Strand von Peschici genießen. Und wer es gruselig und erschreckend mag: ein mittelalterliches Foltermuseum gibt es auch.
  • VitoF64
    Centro storico molto caratteristico, passeggiare tra le vie del centro o sostare al fresco nel picccolo parco davanti al comune è una bellissima alternativa alla spiaggia e di sera è molto affollato con negozi aperti e molta movida.
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