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archaeological museum

archaeological museum

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • minerva_ri
    Wonderful museum where you can browse all of Aquileia's history. It is amazing that so many artifacts have been preserved for such a long time! The museum is nicely arranged and you can really get to know Ancient Roman way of living - from statues that were there to make city more beautiful, to jewelry and everyday objects. After visiting the Basilica it would be a shame not to visit this Museum.
  • 647Janice2012
    We really appreciated the mosaics in this museum and the atmosphere. It is a lovely quiet place with helpful staff.
  • shashab33
    Once the fourth most-important city of the Roman Empire, this regional capital of about 120,000, Aquileia never quite regained its prominence after being sacked by Attila,and gradually dwindled into a smaller provincial town. All that aside,it has an amazing archeological museum,and as well,a walk that you can take along the Via Sacra,once the main drag of this city's vital river-port system and now an astonishingly beautiful lane lined with cypresses,lush lawns,a canal and archeological fragments. The floor of private Roman houses remain in a field near the Via Sacra and across the main road; these well preserved mosaics depict animals and geometric forms that give you a sense of the domestic architecture and of the layout of a neighbourhood in Ancient Rome. Any of these would merit a visit to Aquileia,even if it weren't for its real eye-popper; the patriarchal basilica,founded in the 4th century and worked on for almost a millennium,with a floor the size of a soccer field and a 4th century pavement,more than 800 sq yards,completely covereed with a prodigious mosaic portraying writhing animals,faces,birds,a fight between a rooster and a cat.
  • GeorgePortland_OR
    This is an outstanding museum--and I'm a retired museum director--with stellar collections and very fine displays. Much of the excavated material from the various major sites have been concentrated here is protected and secure conditions. Of special note are the astonishing mosaic murals, portrait sculpture, and other elaborate carvings in marble and other materials. Most of these are on exhibit in a very extensive, covered, outdoor quadrangle. The museum's two interior floors tell the story of Aquileia (unfortunately, only in Italian, with some exceptions) and showcase smaller items in profusion. It is not to be missed if you are interested in things Roman.
  • Skye21
    Some wonderful things to look at!! The art work is phenomenal. It's a great location, not to be missed!
  • MladenB_13
    Fine museum of now relativelly small but historically big and important Aquilea containig archeological exponates from old rome and early christian times.
  • cuibus
    Very nice Museum with a lot of objects from Roman Period and not only.
  • Krpr
    Brilliant!The only low grade I give to the staff, that seemed rather "xenophobic", ie it would be nice to have friendly staff.Other than that, the collection is amazing, so many georgeous thumb stones, and gems are just amazing!Nice coin collection too.If you have any interest in Roman culture, this place is a MUST!
  • GPS001
    The Museum of Aquileia is small, but has an incredible collection of objects which were used by Romans on their daily life. The glass collection is absolutely impressive, and it makes one understand how, in some cases, little has changed in 2000 years. It is abolutely worth a visit.
  • WildGypsyRose13
    A well laid out muesum, though would have been good to have more descriptions available in English. Daunting to see what was being accomplished 2,000 years ago with the technology and machines of current times.
  • abt9904
    The review below is what convinced me to visit the Archaeological Museum and it truly was amazing. Pictures aren't allowed in the museum or on the museum grounds so you will just have to take our word for it - this museum was well worth the visit. My favorite part were the ruins on the museum grounds. Tons and tons of artifacts. You could spend hours looking at everything outside on the grounds. Be aware that while there is a little English in the museum, most of the information is only in Italian. I don't believe there were audio guides available, but it would be great if the museum would add them.
  • Newtonian2
    The Roman ruins in Acquileia, while interesting, are not quite as impressive as the museum at the end of the self-guided tour. It holds a fascinating collection of artifacts from the ruins, including statues, jewelry, and a room fulll of grave stele engraved with representations of the trades of the deceased. It's well worth the admission (which, in our case, was a supplement to the normal self-guided tour) and the time (budget at least an hour). The materials outside were less interesting than the collections inside the building itself.
  • pac0rm
    ottima collezione , distribuito molto bene nelle varie stanze.Interessantissimo sia per aduti sia per bambini......unico neo che nelle giornate previste l'ingresso libero sia fatto pagare ugualmente il biglietto.....comunque da consigliare....
  • ばっくぱっこ
  • zuccherokandinskj
    Il museo è allestito benissimo, non è troppo grande e l'esposizione dei reperti è curata e chiaramente spiegata. Anche chi non è esperto può davvero imparare moltissimo sulla vita e gli usi romani, e credo per famiglie e scuole sia imperdibile.
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