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castello dei doria

castello dei doria

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • 497stephanj
    To reach the castle you need to "climb" trough the village which, in itself is very atmospheric. The castle itself, being a ruin, does not have much to offer except for the view on the village band over the countryside , which is worth while the little hike and the visit
  • 5000km
    My husband and I travelled through the south of France and when in Menton, they suggested going to Dolceaqua, and I'm so glad we did!! We were there in low season (end of March) and it was pretty empty, which made it so nice and peaceful. The walk through the castle area is astounding. I love that people still live in the castle area. its so remarkable. Its WELL WORTH the drive from Menton or Monaco. I loved this little village.
  • Bywood
    Well worth the 45 minute drive from Menton. It is difficult to imagine how people built and lived in these types of remote places. The walks through the old town is awesome and not very busy at all. It may be a challenge for some as some lanes are very steep. Nice selection of galleries throughout.
  • dalmunzie
    The castle is somewhat bare inside and possibly better viewed from afar off rather than making the climb up to it. Viewed from the stunning bridge below it makes a super photograph.
  • 385ricardoc
    what a great experience!!! its just wonderful , no words do describe the castle, is just like u are traveling trough time... i would came back again...the place is fantastic...it was difficult to find a place to eat, but in the end i found a restaurant near the church, it was a bit hidden but it was a typical Italian restaurant... i was based in menton and the travel to dolceacqua was about 25 minutes by car, the only minus is the way that italians drive, just horrible, but is worth to see...
  • robertmH1442JL
    The whole town of Dolceacqua is very charming and beautiful but what should not be missed is to walk over the old bridge and into the small village on the other side, the old medieval town. Narrow small walking streets inside the village is a very special experience since everything is built in such a way that all the houses are connected and there are even bridges between houses - and people still live there which I find amazing! There are also tiny shops there that sell some local stuff (art, food ...). You can get lost there but shouldn't be a problem to find your way back.Very unique place and highly recommended.
  • LineB849
    Beutiful little town in the mountains. We walked up to the casstle through the old midevil town, which is still lived in! The trip up was marvelous, we got lost several times, which was fun and adventures for the kids (8 and 4 years). The town is small but it more than lived up to our expectations. Defenitely go there! The castle has a great view, but is undergoing construction. Not important. The bridge and old town is all you need. We spent about 3 hours there.
  • Bernie_Texas
    Our Tauck tour must have realized that a lot of people find that one day in Monaco is enough, so they offered a sightseeing visit to Dolceaqua. Everyone that wen, and that was almost everyone, was delighted The highlight is the view of the old bridge which is the subject of a Monet painting. Walking through the narrow, hilly, walled streets of the town is fun too - even if you get lost. It is not a very big town and you easily find yourself back near the river. The drive their from Monaco is beautiful. The story of the town's unique pastry, the micette, is fascinating tale too.
  • Kyfarmgirl57
    This is a lovely ruin but the entire place was littered with renovation objects which are probably being done in winter when business is slow. Cold and rainy but the views were worth the weather. The walk up through the narrow streets and house joined together by bridges is not to be missed!
  • BazJackSalisbury
    The castle is a ruin so not much to see inside. However it does offer a great panorama of Dolceacqua town and you can all the way to the sea from the south side. It was good to see it being used regularly for weddings, etc and also hosts art exhibitions. Fascinating walk up to the castle through the dark cobbled streets of the old town. Suggest you omit the very long introductory video.
  • IWCBelford
    It is a fairly small, half ruined castle at the top of the hillside village of Dolceacqua. Getting there is is a fascinating walk through the narrow medieval cobbled streets, perhaps stopping off to buy some local olives, olive oil, fruit or pastries. At the top is a bare empty castle with great views all around. The main attraction for our visit was the tourist guide there. He was fluent in English, expert at the history of the castle and the local and wider area and how it affected Dolceacqua and the Doria family, and he seemed to really enjoy discussing it with us. It proves that it is often the people that make the difference.
  • ronoroa
    Bellissimo borgo medievale della Val Nervia dominato dal Castello dei Doria, a partire dal Ponte Vecchio uno dei simboli della città che ha incantato anche Claude Monet ai "carugi" una fitta rete di vicoli che conducono al vertice della collina dominato per l'appunto dal piccolo castello dei Doria tutto è semplicemente magnifico e lascia a bocca aperta. Consigliato!!!
  • CHICCARapallo_Italy
    merita davvero una visita il paesino di Dolceacqua con il castello dei Doria che lo sovrasta. arrivando si nota un bellissimo ponte a schiena d'asino e tutto il borgo antico arroccato intorno al Castello. L'atmosfera è veramente suggestiva e sembra di essere in un paese delle favole.
  • Matteoinferiesempre
    Il borgo vecchio di Dolceacqua è incantevole e magico sin da fuori e il castello dei DOria lo domina.Salendo i vicoli si arriva all'ingresso. Il castello è molto piccolo ma carino e nella prima sala una presentazione illustra le caratteristiche e la storia del castello perfettamente.Inoltre la vista sulla valle è stupenda. Dopo aver visto il ponte e il borgo non si può fare a meno di fare un salto fin qua
  • FrancescoI152
    Dolceacqua un borgo incantevole e singolare nella sua architettura, dove abbiamo trascorso una indimenticabile e consigliatissima vacanza. Unitamente ad una attenta e esperta guida abbiamo visitato le vie del borgo vecchio e "nuovo" e quelli che sono i resti del fastoso castello dei Doria e per finire abbiamo assaggiato i prodotti locali e degustato il Rossese il vino autoctono. A tutti consiglio di visitare questo bellissimo borgo dell'entroterra ligure.
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