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reichenstein castle

reichenstein castle

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • LadyDiY
    The oldest sections of the central castle were constructed in the early 11th century, 1,000 years ago. There has been a lot of destruction and rebuilding since then. More than one robber knight operated out of the castle, robbing traveling merchants and ships. The castle changed hands many times and was attacked and laid siege to as well. Inside there are collections of hunting trophies, battle armor, art and furnishings. There is a chapel, a weapons chamber, the Knights' Hall, library, and music room, to mention some of the sights. We were staying in the adjacent building and were able to wander around the castle by ourselves, the only people in it at the time. There is an arched stone bridge across the dry moat and a drawbridge. The views of the Rhine from the battlements were unbeatable. We took hundreds of pictures. Handy parking lot.
  • ElZid
    Typical German castle decorated with antlers and armor. Our Tauck Tours took us for a visit and banquet-style dinner. We had free roam of the castle (rooms that were open) and saw a lot of history. The banquet was fun thanks to the "players" that came in costume and character. Food at the banquet was average. The beer served was typical German lager and ales.
  • bgdann
    A tour of the castle and dinner were part of our Tauck river cruise and we were surprised how disorganized this was. Don't think it was Tauck's issue but we were herded into a very small area for a drink (both alcoholic & non-alcoholic available) and stale, broken crackers. Some of us had to move outside into a little courtyard because there wasn't room for all of us inside and the tour guide(s) started without us so we never heard the history of the castle. Dinner was served family style but we were never told how many people each platter was supposed to serve so some people did not get to try everything. I can't even tell you if this is open to the general public but if it is I wouldn't spend my money on it.
  • FunTravellover
    The 1,000 years old castle is beautiful and has real nice collection of art and antique items.It was nice that we could wander around and look at everything, also we were pretty much alone there. The only thing is that it was very cold in there and a bit dark in some rooms, could use dome extra light. The view on the Rhein river was amazing and all the surrounding is just stunning.The price is 4.5 euros for an adult, no student discounts.
  • GulliverTom
    One of the best castles we've seen so far in Germany, and we've seen a bunch. It's a short drive right outside of Bingen, on the south side of the Rhein, while taking road that runs just parallel to the Rhein en route to Trechtinghausen. Drive until you see a parking area marked by signs and banners; at first, you won't see the castle. Just park and follow the trail and tunnel that runs under the road and comes out just next to the Rhein; at that point, you'll walk down about a half-mile and then walk through another tunnel that will take you back up to the road and to the trail leading to the castle. The winding trail up the hill is a steep one and would be tough for those who are physically challenged. Entry was 5 euros per person plus another 3 euros for an English guide book. Self-guided tour after that. Many well preserved furnishings; grounds very well kept--just beautiful views of the Rhein from the top! Make sure you have a coffee, bier, or nice meal at the restaurant on site; it's very well positioned with windows to overlook the castle and Rhein. Enjoy!
  • Vsanguan
    Very nice, recently restored castle is situated on a steep hill on the banks of the Rhein river. Parking can be an issue due to the construction the the two lane highway (B9). If you manage to find parking at the castle, it's limited to two hours. A recently renovated restaurant that has a lovely terrace and a view of Assmannshausen and the Rhein. Service is a bit slow and unattentive. Nice if you want to sit down and not be bothered or annoying if you want a menu, drink, or food.
  • Burrs1983
    We had our wedding here and we could not have chosen a better place, view or hosts. All were fantastic. It is a cute little castle and it was good to see upkeep is still being done. It is a picture perfect place for events and a steal of a deal. Vielen Dank
  • LilaBear87
    The castle itself is beautiful. However, it is not set up well for tourists. I am not sure if the administration of Burg Rheinstein even wants tourists. They put out tourist promotional material, yet when we got there, I felt under the impression that they were far more interested in attracting functions, especially weddings. There is absolutely no interpretive signage anywhere in they castle, so you have to essentially guess what rooms you are looking at and there's no way to learn anything about the history of the place or the people who lived there. No audio guides and no printed guides either. The first level has photos of weddings everywhere, as if they are trying to show you how nice your wedding would look there. Also, while we saw electric lights everywhere, none were turned on. While daylight could still get in, in many places there weren't a lot of windows so it was a bit dark. We did enjoy getting to walk along the top of one of the castle walls, though. Also, they have not maintained the footpath (stairs) up the hill to the castle, so you have to walk up the road. The stairs looked like they had been out of action for a long time, yet nothing we read anywhere (not on pamphlets, not on signs along the main road) indicated how to actually get there. We wasted a bit of time walking along the road looking for the stairs up (there are two sets), only to find both were out of action, then having to walk back along the road to find the road up the hill. There are no signs from the train station on how to get there which would be a good idea. There were a few road signs which would be fine for people driving into town but not for people arriving by train. There were signs for Burg Rheinstein which was further away but not Reichenstein!The place was cheap so we didn't feel ripped off, but we definitely left thinking our time could have been better spent perhaps at Burg Rheinstein just a little further south, or even perhaps taking the train north to Koblenz and looking at some of the castles there. We spent less than an hour there, when the day before we had spent a good 3 hours exploring the ruined castle of Rheinfels at St Goar, as their interpretive information and printed tours were so interesting. If you are staying right in Trechtingshausen then I'd say it's probably worth going up for a bit of a look, but I wouldn't say it's worth travelling there from Bacharach, Bingen etc just to see that castle.
  • idlehands26
    cool view anddecent size for the location.Worth the 2 hrs on the boat combined with walking.Go straight up into town .not along the river walk out of town like we did
  • Phykos
    Every conceivable wall is covered with mounted pairs of antlers. My friends and I visited Reichenstein Castle on a package tour and did not stay in the hotel, which is reviewed separately on tripadvisor. We enjoyed our tour guides who were full of great information and a sense of humor. There is the typical collection of armor and some intricate stove plates. The library (at least, I think I remember that being the room) has a chandelier made from the face of a clock--very neat. While during my time in Germany, my friends and I didn't tour a massive number of castles, this one did provide something different with the antlers (and even hooves). There is a nice cafe and restaurant for grabbing a bite to eat (typical prices and offerings) and a small gift shop.
    Esse castelo do reno que depois virou residência de família se diferencia por manter ainda preservados vários ambientes dos antigos moradores. Muito interessante ter acesso aos comodos, penteadeiras antigas, camas, armários e um toque de decoração medieval. Acesso de carro praticamente até a porta do estabelecimento, talvez o castelo mais fácil de chegar do reno pelo menos na parte externa, já que internamente não tem elevador.
  • 0Pierre06
    Un chateau typique des bords ru Rhin. La visite se fait rapidement. La décoration avec d'inombrables bois de cerfs et autres est surprenante. A faire si on passe dans le coin et si on a le temps.
  • AlexZ834
    Тоже очень живописный замок, правда это новодел, замок был практически полностью уничтожен, и заботливо восстановлен сравнительно недавно. Но от этого менее красивым он не стал, так что рекомендую к посещению.
  • AndreWhoRus
    Находится рядом с Rheinstein Castle, поэтому был посещен сразу после него. Очень порадовало наличие подъезда и парковки прямо рядом с замком и это большой плюс Reichenstein по сравнению с Rheinstein. Также, снова, очень порадовались отсутствию организованной экскурсии в сопровождении гида. Не надо никуда спешить - ходи по замку, осматривай, фотографируй. Никто не стоит над душой, не торопит. Возможно, какая-то информация потеряна, но нам по душе больше созерцательное посещение, нежели информационное. Замок имеет типовую историю большинства рейнских замков и представляет собой новодел. Но очень красивый новодел, где можно осмотреть весь замок от входа до смотровой площадки на башне. Заботливо сохранен весь внутренний интерьер и, судя по букетам цветов и свечам, служит местом проведения различных романтических церемоний.
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