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st. viktor dom

st. viktor dom

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • 497cherylm
    The romanesque and Gothic Church and its art treasures, also the very sad and moving photographs and description of those who suffered and lost their lives for their beliefs.
  • MaxAW
    You won't know where to stop looking in Xanten Cathedral: over a dozen polyptich altars, mostly late Gothic or early Renaissance, many with superb carving. Two of them feature fascinating and intricate Trees of Jesse, one of them forming an incredibly elaborate carved unpainted boxwood frame of vines twining around human figures, the whole thing surrounding a very fine carved Life of Mary altar. The carving in the choir stalls, complete with amusing misericords, is also very good. To boot, there is some excellent stained glass, and a moving contemporary crypt devoted to clergymen martyred by the Nazis. The architecture of the whole is no slouch either, with its fine Gothic nave and at least one in-tact Romanesque side-chapel in the apse. Outside, don't miss the grotesquely moving open-air Calvary, or the Gethsemane and Resurrection chapels (under glass) set into the cathedral walls. The rest of the town is quite delightfully picturesque and it's small enough to be easily walkable in half a day. If you like more commercially-tinged tourism there is also a gigantic Roman site, with a huge museum, just outside town and a somewhat gaudy theme-oriented museum dedicated to the Nibelungenlied (the hero Siegfried was supposedly born in Xanten.) Altogether an excellent goal for a one or two day excursion.
  • 748tp
    Peaceful, quiet and rich gothic grandeur right off Xanten's market square.Make sure to step outside in the back of the cathedral into a tranquil atrium (cloister) and to stroll the covered walks.
  • 516lisak
    I don´t dislike anything about our Dom, but simply love its grandeur, its vaulting, all the obvious and hidden treasures.The carving of some of the altars is simply breathtaking.
  • 405leslied
    A magnificent church , with simply stunning architecture and the added attraction of St. Victor himself
  • HeleneChristineP
    We thought it was good to see the dedications to those citizens that lost their lives during the Third Reich because of their beliefs. Very moving stories. Altogether an interesting place to visit.
  • borisk858
    If you are visiting Xanten, or passing by the city - visit St. Viktor Dom. It's a very large Roman Catholic cathedral, that is very impressive inside. Located just in the middle in the town, by its cental square.
  • AndreyK729
    Not really much to say here - just another German cathedral which is beautiful. Sure I've seen better, but this one is among my favorites anyway. What I especially like about German cathedrals is their interiors - really rich, with so many small details etc. Spend a few minutes inside this one - you'll like it.
  • Utas2
    This is one of the highlights of the city, and definitely worth a visit.
  • Count_Walter
    The "Dom" is an impressive church, with very good pieces of medieval art (mainly altars). The attached museum is worth to be visited, too
  • marionb850
    De Dom van Xanten is een schitterende kerk met een zwaar verleden. De bouw is gestart in 1263 en heeft 281 jaar geduurd, maar dan heb je ook wel wat! De Dom heeft 2 torens die in de vere omtrek van Xanten te zien zijn. In de kerk kom je ogen te kort, de wandtapijten en beelden zijn prachtig om te zien. In de crypte bevinden zich oa. urnen met as uit de concentratiekampen Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen en Dachau. Heel erg indrukwekkend!
  • estrenc
    Der Xantener Dom, eine im gotischen Stil erbaute Basilika ist äußerst interessant und der Besuch lohnt sich definitiv wenn man schon in Xanten ist. Anschließend kann man sich in einen der zahlreichen Cafes und Restaurant am Markplatz nieder lassen
  • X3989QR_
    Приехав в Ксантен для посещения археологического парка, мы пошли гулять по очаровательному городку и вышли к собору. Сказать, что это потрясение - ничего не сказать. Огромный, с потрясающими барельефами, разнообразными горгульями..... А уж когда вошли внутрь просто остолбенели - сквозь витражи светило яркое солнце и собор был окрашен в розовый цвет. Это было фантастическое зрелище.
  • MadridJosefina
    El pasado fin de semana decidimos visitar la pequeña e interesante ciudad medieval de Xanten.Uno de los principales puntos turísticos de la ciudad, si no el más....es su Catedral, una gran catedral para una ciudad tan pequeña. Es conocida como la Catedral de S. Víctor, y es una iglesia católica romana.Está situada cerquita de Marktplatz, y en su interior destacan sus vidrieras, el tallado de los altares y su pequeña cripta, que se puede visitar.Antes de entrar en la catedral, te encuentras con un bonito e interesante conjunto escultórico, el Kalvarienergruppe, que es digno de admirar.Merece la pena visitar y la entrada es gratuita.
  • denisz765
    Замечательный готический собор, построенный из разобранных на камень руин античного города. Прекрасный образец средневековой архитектуры, увидеть который в столь небольшом городе и не ожидаешь
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