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church of panagia (virgin mary)

church of panagia (virgin mary)

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
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  • 景点印象

  • Kostas_Chrstdls
    It is the number one destination !!! The best view on the island, with stunning color at sunset! You must have water with you and a little patience, because the road is steep! Necessary, the camera and a tripod !!!
  • zebecToronto
    This walk is the obvious one to prioritize on the island. I did not do it when I first visited here in '92 (can't remember why not, I was extremely fit then). My advice, as always if you are bring a camera, is to do this first thing in the morn or better, during sunset. I had the good fortune to see the weather clear up just in time for a glorious sunset, something that also delighted the pro photographer from Tinos whom I met up there. He'd been commissioned by the local Tourism Board to capture images for their upcoming new ebsite. Btw, the next morn there was a funeral procession for a woman who'd been well into her '90s. Imagine the changes that she had seen on Folegandros over this past century. When she was born, electricity was still 65 years from arriving on her isle. And now that photographer and I were using digital technology, with helicopters landing on the isle and cellphones that fit in one's palm. I am done. The end.
  • 925christosv
    It is basically the journey to the top, the magnificent view and the white color and shape of the church that make this place a must. Perhaps the interior of the church is inferior to the rest, but we highly recommend to pay a visit; especially during the sunset.
  • KonstantinosSam
    a beautiful aegean church located atop of the main Folegandros' hill, offering great views over the main settlement of the island which in turn is built on a cliff standing before an extremely steep slope. Observe the remnants of an ancient temple that can be found around the yard of the church.
  • dorind736
    Situated on the hill, church of Panagia offers the opportunity to pray in silence. This place you can admire a magnificent sunset
  • yayatofive
    Walking up the zigzag path to this church was exhilarating and not as tiring as we thought. The views are wonderful across the island and the sea. Once at the top, the church is a gem, beautifully maintained. So tranquil and peaceful.
  • discovertravelling
    For orthodox travelers this visit is also a pilgrimage to Virgin Mary. Therefore, it means a lot. At the same time, the route allows someone to have a panoramic view of the chora of Folegandros and enjoy the sunset.
  • Stephen028
    Also listed in some guidebooks as Kimisis Theotokou, the church stands above the Hora at the end of a path which snakes up from the square at the entrance to the Hora overlooking the precipitous drop to the sea. The path is broad, paved and edged with white paint, so you can't miss it - and, at sunset, just follow the crowds.Yes, it is a popular spot and yes, it is a stiffer climb than perhaps it looks, but the views are great, as is - despite the cliché - the sunset.
  • EtiUccle
    It's a must in Chora (Folegandros) at sunrise or at sunset (when it's crowdier) to get incredible views on the village and the island. The church itself is not what really matters, the 15 minutes walk up the sinuous path has it all...
  • vagabloke
    obviously a wonderful spot from which to watch the sunset and the pink/orange glow on the town of Chora that sits high on the cliff side above the water. But I was also and surprisingly impressed by the interior of the chapel itself - the paintings, the ornate statuary to soft light - really captivating!
  • kp130404
    On the way uphill to the church of Panagia you will enjoy a breathtaking view of the island. The best time of the day to visit the church is in the afternoon before sunset. The sun sets behind Ano Meria and the scenery is wonderful. The church is very beautiful. Inside it there is the icon of the Virgin Mary holding Christ. The icon is covered with silver. The faces of the painted figures are barely visible. Several pieces of ancient buildings and statues were used as building material for the church.I think that everyone visiting Folegandros should visit the church of Panagia and enjoy the view.
  • VasiliPan
    One of the most iconic places in Folegrandros is the Panagia Church, which looks like it was sculptured from the mountain. It's about a 10-20 minute walk uphill, following a lovely paved pathway. If you can't walk up the hill, you can find someone to take you up with a donkey. The views are stunning. I suggest going for the sunset.
  • brauliox
    Located above the village, overlooking the cliff. After a short climb up a paved, zigzagged catwalk, we arrived at this beautiful, small, ancient church, with an awesome view of the village and the whole isle of Folegandros. Located above the village, overlooking the cliff. After a short climb up a paved, zig-zagged catwalk
  • mpoun
    All along the ascend to the church of Panagia, you are taken aback by the beautiful scenery. Don't miss the chance to enjoy the sunset from up there, it's really worth it!
  • skieswanderer
    είναι από τα μέρη που δεν πρέπει να χάσετε, αν βρεθείτε στη Φολέγανδρο. έχει αρκετό περπάτημα μέχρι την κορυφή, αλλά η θέα, τόσο στη διαδρομή, όσο και ψηλά από το εκκλησάκι, σίγουρα θα σας αποζημιώσει. υπέροχο το ηλιοβασίλεμα από ψηλά.
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