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archeological museum

archeological museum

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • erijon
    In the centre of Chora, you can visit this old, Venetian building of 16th century.The exhibits are not a lot but they are so important : sculptures, altars, small statuettes, small glass bottles, grave columns etc.But what I can't forget till now, was a huge clay vat on the ground floor of the museum, with the skeleton of a mother and her baby in it, buried in this way after they had died from cholera.The archaeologist of the museum informed as that it was found by a farmer in the southern Amorgos, when his donkey hit the vat with its hoof and almost fall in it !
  • 191k_
    Αξίζει να το επισκεφτείτε καθως περιδιαβένετε τα στενα δρομακια της Χώρας! Η Αμοργός είναι πραγματικα ενας αρχαιολογικος παράδεισος και σωζονται ευρηματα από διαφορες αρχαιες πολεις όπως αυτές της Μινώας και της Αρκεσίνης
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