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aquaworld aquarium & reptile rescue centre

aquaworld aquarium & reptile rescue centre

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍

    Aquaworld - Crete's first Aquarium - opened in Hersonissos in 1995. It...


  • Lewis1985
    去Crete旅行时我和妻子来此参观,非常喜欢这里。在假期里我们来过这里两回。门票每位成人60元,然而,买过一次票之后,在假期期间可以不限次数的再来参观,不需额外收费。这里的位置很好找。如果你在附近住宿的话,开车穿过Chersonisos城区,朝着Heraklion方向,左边有个路口,前面有座SPAR超市,再走50米就到这座水族馆了。至于水族馆而言,其实并不是特别大,跟Crete水族馆相比小很多,跟世界上其它大水族馆也没法相比。然而,虽然面积较小,但这里非常有特色。去大水族馆里看看鱼、拍拍照,然后就走人了……但是在这里还有动物/爬行动物,可以拍照、摸摸动物,甚至抱起来,并且听关于动物的讲解。跟其它动物园和水族馆不同的是,在这里还能跟动物亲密接触。老板 John 和Judith都非常优秀!他们给我们讲故事和关于动物的知识。尤其特别的是这里的动物/爬行动物都是他们收养的被遗弃的动物。John和Judith主要接待欧洲游客。他们母语都是英语,而且还会一点法语和俄语。然而,这里有俄语、法语、波兰语、捷克语、斯洛文尼亚语、德语的标识,尽量为游客创造方便,多学习一点。这里的动物包括鱼、章鱼、蝠鲼、蛇、蜥蜴、鬣鳞蜥、乌龟、淡水龟,还有一只非常大的海龟,叫 Stefanie,遗憾的是它眼睛看不见了。水族馆里有规定的“喂食时间”,能看到各种动物一起吃东西,非常好玩。总之,如果你来这里,看看这些动物,10分钟就离开了,你会感到失望的。但是,如果你花点时间,跟John聊天,然后去摸摸动物,感受一下,你会玩得非常愉快的!我非常感谢John和Judith,他们干得棒极了,而且还与我们分享自己的故事-再接再厉!
  • Gate02
  • DaveM2706
  • alan_gc_richards
  • 爱琴海狂徒
    即将赴希腊旅游的我,通过网络与该馆人员交流。得知他们以照料并收留受伤的海陆动物为己任,非常感动和窝心。此外,它也是阖府同欢的旅游消闲好去处!到时将抽空探访他们,希望大家到希腊克里特岛游玩时,一定要去“赫水索尼索斯族馆 ” 一趟!
  • dominikm636
    Quite a small building and not super easy to find, but when you arrive you can see that the place is more of a veryh nice home for the animals rather then a tourist attractions, they offer you free entries on other days to see the feeding and the animals look very happy.
  • Little_Ursa_Minor
    small but rerall is a hidden gem! got to pet tortose and hold a snake! also seen an octopus open a bottle and eat the food inside was brilliant day out - not too dear only a few euros each! defo recommed it!! brilliant
  • Beach33332
    Aquaworld is a hidden gem in Hersonnissos! The owners have basically converted a house into an aquarium for rescued sealife and reptiles from the surrounding area in Crete. Was not sure what to expect when we went in, but the place is really well kept and the animals are very well looked after. Definitely recommend this place if you fancy an afternoon away from the pool/beach, we went back twice as once you've bought your ticket you can return as many times you like in 2 weeks.
  • RP22288
    I came here on a trip with my girlfriend nearing the end of our trip and i can say that this was an awesome experience, I especially liked that most of the reptiles were rescue animals, for 6 euros each this was a bargain, I visited in October and when I think about my time in Crete this is definately one of my favourite experiences, the fact that it is a family owned and run establishment really shows as every person that visits will have a really interactive experience with as many of the animals as possible and the man working there was really helpful in explaining about all of the creatures there giving this establishment a really personal feel and experience. This kind of service you would never receive in a larger more commercial animal park I would 100% recommend, and a massive thank you to the gentleman who showed us and let us hold all of the reptiles, it really made my trip!
  • 590lukes
    It's not massive, which you realise when you arrive and it is essentially a converted house, but what it lacks in size it makes up for in heart. first of all the couple that run the place are so generous - they take time to ensure each visitor gets the most out of their (very reasonable) ticket price (6 euros, 4 for kids). they go out of their way to ensure you have a great time. you can handle all the animals which is really fun, and makes for great holiday snaps. they are also there to answer all manner of questions!it is places like this people ought to support when on holiday (or in their home town/country) as they don't get any public funding and they do it for their love of the animals. this is so clear when you go and visit.you can see from their website that they don't have the range of animals you would of course get at a massive seaworld type aquarium, but there was enough there to keep my girlfriend and i engaged for 90 minutes!try it out.
  • minipoppit
    This place is brilliant - the couple that run it have converted their home into an aquarium/reptile house/ rescue centre and it is inspiring!There are hundreds of fish, plus turtles, an octopus and all sorts of other lovely and interesting animals and then you step outside to the snakes, iguanas more turtles and lizards galore for a hands on session holding anything you like! Even the 20ft + python (I think it was a python) not an expert!The owner is so knowledgeable and cares deeply for every single animal, they take in animals who have been hurt, bought on the sly and neglected and they are all so happy there!Highly recommended for all the fmaily
  • MandiW98
    Our family was surprised by how much they loved this place! The owners clearly love what they do and that helped. The animals are easy to interact with. Overall a great visit!
  • Johnnymac2013
    brilliant you must visit this local friendly family run place YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED !!!!!!!!!!!!
  • TomBlac
    This is a great little placed tucked away the main strip of Hersonissos. Even though it is small it holds some fantastic sights like a blind turtle, a huge tortoise and then a number of massive snakes and iguanas. The Crete Aquariam does not hold a candle to this place. Even though it is only a fraction of the size of the Crete Aquriam, it is a million times better.
  • joans237
    This place we visited because of trip advisor and we are so glad we did, its a lovely little place! the people who own it are so lovely and all the animal back stories are great! we loved holding one of the big snakes! V GOOD!
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