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water fun

water fun

  • 等级:3A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Amelacanthus
    Somehow pricey and not well maintained the place ican provide some hours of fan to families. It is in need of renovation. It was much better in the past years. It was real “Water fun” for us. I see that there are some efforts to refresh and give it a new look but till then some steps should be taken to attract people. Step 1? Better prices / offers for families...
    We went to Water Fun to make a change from the beach routine on our holiday. We were given vouchers on Loutraki beach that got us entry for 7 Euros (normal price is 15). At the reduced price I would say it was fair value. The venue itself has obviously seen better days, and the whole complex is a bit tired. The slides look a bit wobbly, and there were leaks in several places. Having said that, our children enjoyed themselves - however I suspect teenagers would be underwhelmed by the experience.
  • EllieKara
    Είχε λιγότερες τσουλήθρες από ότι περιμέναμε και φαινόταν πολύ καλύτερο στο ιντερνετ. Στα μικρά παιδιά θα αρέσει σίγουρα, ειδικά αν δεν έχουν πάει σε κάτι παρόμοιο. Εύκολη τοποθεσία να την βρεις και μόνο μία ώρα από την Αθήνα. Έχει έκπτωση στη δεύτερη και τρίτη επίσκεψη που είναι μπόνους
  • Q2236IH_
    Аквапарк вообще не понравился! Маленький, старый, горок мало, детям старше лет 10 они будут не интересны, для детей младше 4-5 лет тоже ничего подходящего, неплохой взрослый бассейн, по крайней мере он не такой ледяной, как детский. Также приятная "Ленивая речка", но мало кругов, нужно ждать и ловить. Много лежаков с хорошей тенью, есть душ, туалет, кафе, минимаркет. 20 евро с носа в любом случае это не стоит.
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