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our savior and transfiguration monastery

our savior and transfiguration monastery

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Linda44149
    Located in the town of Novogord-Severksy, this Cathedral is situated on a large campus housing numerous buildings and a church which is open to visitors. Donations are accepted since there is no admission charge. A gift shop on the grounds offers a great variety of religious items for sale. Entrance is across a foot bridge and the entire grounds are enclosed by thick masonry walls. It is an extremely picturesque and serene. Many buildings are open for review. We were greeted by the monks that live at this Cathedral and were given a tour with narrative (we had translators). A monument located on the outside of the wall pays tribute to the villagers and their extreme sacrifice during WWII. The Cathedral is located adjacent to the Densa River and we were invited to enter an adjacent tower where we could overlook the flooded delta for an awe inspiring panoramic view of the country. A clock on the grounds have the words "Grand Central Station NYC" (origin unknown). Immediately adjacent to the Cathedral is a most impressive hotel with comfortable rooms and a large dining area offering delicious food, and I would highly recommend an overnight. This is a most impressive attraction and strongly suggest you don't miss it. Bring a camera!
  • Troghil
    В городе могут не сразу понять вопрос "как дойти до монастыря?", поскольку масса местных жителей считает его кто крепостью, кто вообще кремлем. Монастырь, очень старинный (он тут точно был еще в XI веке), и действительно похож на укрепление, немудрено и перепутать - одни мощные стены с башнями чего стоят! Заметно сходство с укрепленными монастырями центральной России. Внутри он выглядел раньше довольно непрезентабельно, но в начале XXI века здесь все привели в порядок, отремонтировали, покрасили-побелили, и теперь душа радуется глядя на получившееся благолепие.
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