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parque nacional los arrayanes

parque nacional los arrayanes

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Souerpow
    We arrived via boat on a crossing of the lake to Llao Llao. There is a well marked, guided trail close to the dock.The Arranyanes forest is lovely, and there are multiple vistas of water, mountains, sky, and many creatures.Well worth an hour or two to see the beauty in this area.If this review is helpful then please indicate so below.
  • josen869
    we drove through the park to cross the border over to Chile and it was an amazing experience to feel we were a miniscule part of that great forest
  • EandSmee
    We chose to make the 12km walk through the park to visit these cinnamon-barked myrtles rather than take the boat. The walk is a comfortable 3 hours and is a beautiful hike through a beautiful forests - not many viewpoints along the way but lots of wild flowers (at least in early January). Nothing could have prepared us for the spectacle that awaited us with an entire grove of these beautiful orange-coloured (bark) trees. Initially it was difficult to ignore the 300 school kids that had been disgorged on to the boardwalks, but they soon disappeared into the washrooms, coffee shop and back to their boats and we had the trees all to ourselves - magical. If you are short for time, take the boat both ways. Otherwise walk to the trees and boat back because there is a sense of anticipation. If you take the boat out and see the trees you will have little motivation to walk back.
  • venkman_at
    we hiked the 12km from the entrance to the end of the park where the arrayanes trees grow. then we took the ferry back to the starting point, which is a nice way to explore this park. the one way ferry cost 90pesos - we first thought about renting bikes which is 70-100pesos but this would have been a bad idea for us. the first 2km in the park is very steep with sandy, loose ground- pushing your bike up there won't work, you would have to carry it. the other parts are fine, but this is a real obstacle - except for moutainbike enthusiasts I guess!make sure you don't miss the miradores at the first km - the one up to the left is fantastic, the one to the right ok. take your time, especially with the miradores and if you take pictures you will be in a hurry if you want to make the trip in 3hrs on foot. you're in the forest 99% of the time. book the ferry in the office at the pier next to the national park office, it leaves at 16:30 back from the island, costs 5pesos less and you get a voucher for hot chocolate. it's a very nice experience and can be absolutely recommended!
  • FabianR905
    We spent 3,5 hs walking through Península de Quetrihué to get to the Arrayanes forest, what a magical experience!
  • Schaapblater
    We rented bikes in Villa la Angostura (next to the tourist information) and cycled from the village to the actual forest at the end of the peninsula. It is about 15 kilometers in total (3 to the entrance of the park and 12 inside the park) and especially inside the park it is sometimes a very tough ride. The first kilometer is mostly walking and stairs, so no cycling there, but from there onwards it is doable. While cycling you get great views of the lake and you'll find many birds. Make sure to stop at the second lagoon for a picnic, it is a great, quiet spot. The actual forest is interesting, although a bit touristy, and you can easily see the forest and wonder why the trees are red:)The other way of reaching the forest is by boat, but a one-way ticket is 90 pesos, which seems quite expensive. We thought it was way more interesting to go by bike. Overall, the park is a nice outing, especially by bike.
  • 10damiana
    Excelente excursión, casi una obligacion si estas en Bariloche. Consejo si la haces desde Villa la Angostura es mucho mas barata la excursion y tenes la posibilidad de entrar al parque caminado y solo pagando el acceso al parque que sale 20 pesos. Eso si tenes como 2 hs de caminata, tenes la opcion de alquilar bicis.
  • juancarlosd988
    El parque es muy lindo. Esta muy bien mantenido y cuidado. Tiene un sendero marcado que ayuda a que lo se dañe el bosque y el entorno. Una opción para visitar este parque es tomarlo junto con la visita a la Isla Victoria que sale desde Bariloche, desde Puerto Pañuelo.
  • CesarF453
    Tomamos un tour privado en barco solo éramos solo 11 personas, el viaje muy tranquilo salimos desde el muelle de Villa la Angostura un precio muy bueno por los 5 , fue un viaje de una hora, al llegar estábamos casi solos, 17:00pm hicimos el tours solo nosotros , un hermoso recorrido , paramos en la casita a tomar un rico café y luego nuevamente en el barco para retirarnos , hermosa experiencia para toda la flia. altamente recomendable
  • narat2013
    A cor e a forma dos troncos das árvores encantam. É um lugar gostoso de estar. Localizado em Neuquén, é necessário deslocamento em barco.
  • MaruPasi
    No tenía tiempo para hacer la caminata por la Isla y me tomé el Catamarán para llegar al bosque. Fue lindo, pero creo que hubiese tenido más magia llegar caminando!
  • PatBarr937
    Es maravilloso caminar por allí y ver esos árboles tan altos como añosos. la guía es muy amable y responde a toda duda.
  • Naniros
    Si bien es una maravilla de la naturaleza y una visita imperdible si vas a Bariloche o a los lagos del sur de Neuquén, tiene complicaciones para personas con movilidad reducida porque el circuito tiene "muchas" escaleras. Además los sanitarios son escasos. Pero el paseo es espectacular!!!
  • pabloc1409
    un hermoso parque, pero el recorrido hasta llegar al bosque de arrayanes se hace muy pesado y largo.
  • 922martinm
    Hermoso lugar para visitar y conocer más sobre los arrayanes. Se puede acceder via terrestre (6hs ida y vuelta de caminata o bicicleta) o por catamarán. Hay dos empresas que los ofrecen, y salen de Bahía Mansa y Brava ($350 c/u enero 2015), son 50min de navegación ida, una hora allá y 50 min vuelta. Nosotros hicimos esta última, que además te acompaña un guía que te cuenta sobre el parque. También se puede hacer en catamará solo el viaje de ida o de vuelta.
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