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iglesia de santa rosa de lima

iglesia de santa rosa de lima

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • RBerbara
    People from the Puna are very religious and treat the church as a serious part of their daily culture and rituals. August is "pagan time", when they have nice indoors cerimonies for the "pacha mama".
  • rosemarytraveler
    this well preerved church is simple a beautiful. built hundreds of years ago it is unique and lovely
  • mercedesr438
    After a long day travelling we decided to visit the church, an easy walk on Sunday evening. Arriving to this typical clean and open to all, beautiful Santa Rosa de Lima church, every one where busy preparing for mass and invited us to read during the ceremony. What a delighfull surprise, the people, priest, ambience and emotions during that ceremony. We even sang a Happy Birthday at the end of the mass to one of the lovely young parishioner of the church. This was a ceremony full of love that will be with me for ever.Mercedes
  • EvaM54
    This is a very nice and relaxing place. The sunrise in the valley is lifegiving:-)
  • ecrescia
    take your time to stroll around the square with its vendors and artisans, to the right of the church you'll see a tree that is supposedly more than 1000 years old, then you go inside the church and if you're lucky you'll find kids dancing in front of the church, like we found the night before "Reyes Magos".
  • mariucha69
    Take the time to visit this little church. Even if is not open the first time, go back another day. The paintings (XVII Century) are incredibly wonderful. All of them, but the ones at the altar, narrate episodes in the life of Santa Rosa de Lima, the first Catholic saint native to the Americas (Lima, Perú)
  • Majarose
    This beautiful church was built in 1648. The ceiling comes from the local "cardones" (cactus plants). Like most churches in the area, it's whitewashed and contains paintings from the Cuzco school which are centuries old.It's right in front of Purmamarca's main square, so you can't miss it. Take a look at the ancient tree to the right of the entrance. According to tradition, general Belgrano, commander of the Army of the North during the Wars of Independence and creator of our flag, rested under its shadow. The cemetery, leaning on the surrounding hills, is also worth a visit.
  • nachom250
    No recuerdo si cuando pasamos por ahí no estaba abierta o que. Nos pasó en varios lugares que las iglesias estaban cerradas, que hay que entrar con visita guiada a cierto horario, que no te dejan sacar fotos y si querés tenes que comprarselas, etc. Son todas muy lindas pero no se si vale la pena entrar en todas.
  • Mausini
    Uma pequena igreja de arquitectura muito simples, mas bonita, com um excelente uso da madeira. Vale uma visita
  • ritag221
    Muito pequena. Modesta como a cidade. Interessante é a utilização dos cardones (espécie de cacto com vários braços ) para confeccionar os bancos
  • gboccaloni
    Frente a la plaza de Purmamarca, está esta iglesia que tendrá unos 200 años.Es simple tanto por fuera como por dentro, donde.No se porqué, pero no permiten sacar fotos en el interior.Si van a Purmamarca, no dejen de conocerla.
  • 617NicolasS
    Ni siquiera sin flash te dejan sacar fotos en el interior. Salvo la Iglesia de Yavi, el resto no te deja sacar fotos en la Quebrada. Esta iglesia está ubicada enfrente de la Plaza Principal de Purmamarca, donde está el "centro comercial" del pueblo, que está bien aclarar que los precios allí son muy elevados en comparación con otros lugares.
  • MatiRau
    Tiene esa típica arquitectura que caracteriza a muchas iglesias del norte Argentino. Se encuentra frente a la plaza principal de Purmamarca, donde por la tarde también se puede ver algunos artesanos.
  • Roberdelle
    Una de las tantas que podes visitar en los lugares mas reconditos del norte, tan simple y hermosa como muchas. Como en la mayoria de los lugares frente a la plaza principal.
  • DaianaSC
    Fuimos a la noche y estaba cerrada. Volvimos a la mañana bien temprano pero todavía no abrían, alrededor de la plaza, q esta enfrente, se estaban preparando muchos puestos de ventas de artesanías.
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