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laguna verde

laguna verde

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • lauramY5505EG
    The landscape is stunning with the lagoon shining in the sun light and majestic brownish mountains surrounding it. The inactive volcano Licancabur overlooks the lagoon. It’s a mind-blowing landscape, impossible not to be mesmerized by it.
  • 722christopherm
    If you're in Atacama or doing the usual tour around Uyuni, then you're likely to have this on the itinerary.If you're not, you must see this.It's just unbelievably beautiful, so much so that it does not seem real, especially if (like me) you've already seen it in several pictures before.I can't say any more than that really, except you won't be sorry if you go and experience this natural wonder for yourself.
  • Anna-Bellas007
    Wow, this lake is majestic! It's an unbelievable colour and the reflection of the mountains is phononinel! There weren't any Flamingos when we were here but that didn't detract from the lakes beauty!!!Make sure you save camera battery for this.
  • alannsarah
    When we went we were the only people there and it was quite windy so we enjoyed the green colours of the lagoon in peace and quiet.Personally I preferred the red lagoon with llamas and flamingos feeding in the early morning sunshine.
  • JazzyAlex
    Dazzling green lagoon in the spectacular Bolivia highlands, close to Licancanbur Volcano. No wonder Salvador Dali was inspired by these remarkable landscapes. Will never forget it.
  • Bpracek
    Go afternoon, just at this time the wind will make the lake green. Behind the lake you can see the Licancabur volcano that is amazing and beside the Laguna Blanca.
  • spalatino
    I could read that some people here complain about cold and wind !!????ß This is one of most amazing places I have been . And I have been on many places in my life. Yes , it is true, you have a long way from Uyuni, Tupiza or Potosi (not to long from San Pedro in Chile, but up to 3 times more expensive then starting in Bolivia), it is gonna be dusty...and cold, very cold, freezing....but once when you are there....just walk a bit away from the mass and enjoy the wind and cold and this amazing place....(if you are lucky, your driver knows that you should come before all others . Or the last. One or two jeeps are much better then 10 :):))
  • RobertNH
    worth driving further south from the salar and other lagoons. this lagoon is spectacularly beautiful.
  • Elsie1991
    The day we went to la Laguna Verde it wasn't windy, so our tour operator informed us that this was because the minerals don't mix properly without wind so it was just kind of a murky color. The scenery all around was to die for, though.
  • bernardc139
    This lagoon is not so far from the Chilean-Bolivian border, so can be visited from San Pedro de Atacama or Uyuni. It is usually included in the list of highland tours from both towns. The colour changes in response to position of the sun - green towards the middle of the day but definitely a bluish tinge when the sun is lower. The backdrop of mountains here will evoke lots of "wow"s and shutter-happy activity among the photographers. The altitude and winds here demand lots of warm clothes. The flamingos do not seem to mind, however!
  • FrankTibackx
    It is a bit of a drive but don't miss it. Beautiful lagoon. Wild foxes. On the way you have a very nice rest stop with a natural hot water spring. Awesome. Take your time to visit all the natural wonders in the area - we spend 4 full days - not too much at all.
  • manhattanmom
    The day we visited the Laguna Verde, we spent the entire day in the national park and did A LOT of driving on very bumpy roads. We had just spent a half hour soaking in the hot springs when it was time to change and head off to the Laguna Verde. Yes, it's pretty but it wasn't worth driving the distance required to get there over very bumpy roads. We had originally planned on visiting the salt flats when our travel guide suggested we also spend time in the Bolivian highlands. We ended up spending just one day in the salt flats and three days in the highlands. If I had to do it all over again, I would have spent two days in the salt flats and only 2 days in the highlands. I think we saw every lagoon there was to see. Of course, they're all lovely. But, it becomes really repetitious after a while. The best and most important one was the Red Lagoon. That was spectacular. And, had it not been so incredibly windy on the day we were in the Laguna Verde, it might have been more pleasant. But, we literally got out of the car for 5 minutes just to take a picture. Therefore, was it worth driving an hour round trip out of our way to see it? Probably not. I would have preferred to do fewer things but spend more time in the really special places. I could have easily spent more time at the hot springs and at the Red Lagoon.
  • ninjakitten007
    The last thing we saw on our 3 day tour from Uyuni, Laguna Verde did not disappoint! The day we saw it, it was a perfect clear mirror of the mountains. Amazing!!!
  • TomK281
    This review is for all the gorgeous altiplanic lakes on the "southwestern circuit".All the lakes have beautiful colours, surreal surroundings, and tall volcanoes and mountains reflected in their still surfaces.If you are anywhere near uyuni, tupiza or san pedro de atacama you should definitely take 3 or 4 days to do the circuit!
  • TrentBlomfield
    The lake and Volcano are a postcard for this region. With good reason. It is incredible scenic here.
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