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desierto de siloli

desierto de siloli

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍


  • Joanna_Koltan
    Absolutely amazing place. If youy sleep in Tayka Del Desierto you wake up with the most amazing view in the morning. Colourful and calm. But be ready for hihg altitude!
  • alannsarah
    You think you've seen everything that nature can give you and then you see the landscapes in this desert. FANTASTIC! The colours from the natural minerals are a sight to behold. It will live long in the memory.
  • JazzyAlex
    Some unusual rock formations. Another of the landscapes which inspired Salvador Dali. You drive through it when crossing from northern Chile to southern Bolivia. Awe inspiring.
  • bernardc139
    Most of the multi-day tours will take in this desert. Well worthwhile transiting with barren and rocky sandscapes. Bring warm clothes during the dry season as the wind is impressive!
  • betina_groen
    Absolutly beautiful. We had a 4 days drive around the salar area and this is some of the most beauiful nature i have ever seen. Slat flats, vulcanos, geiser, lava rocks, deserts, lamas....ect. absolutly breath taking ! Pauchamama is mi casa !
  • AdelaidaGigiP
    we were so lucky, it was Valentines Day, in the middle of the dessert and it was a full moon! an adventure one cannot miss..the sand..the fresh air..the darkness and the stars..just beautiful..
  • AussieCowboy
    It’s really amazing to come out here... there are so many colors and the scenery keeps changing. There are strangely shaped rock formations, hot springs, geysers and several lakes.You can’t go alone as it would be easy to get lost. The roads often disappear and you find yourself driving in a river bed.There are many tour companies offering three and four day tours from Tupiza and Uyuni. I can recommend the four day tour from Tupiza with La Torre Tours, slightly more expensive but well worth it. We did a private tour for US$850, but the group tours cost only around $200 for the four days, inclusive of food and board.
  • llelizay
    Es impresionante la cantidad de climas que se viven al pasar por este desierto. El camino ademas es espectacular, es para ir pegado a la ventana del jeep.
  • Eduardosvl
    Muito deserto, dificil respirar, muito sol e muito vento. Paisagens inacreditáveis à nivel lunar.Muit massa!
  • valita611
    Eso es lo que me pasó a mi por lo menos, fueron km y km de desierto y de cruzarlo, se pasa por todos los paisajes y por todos los climas y uno termina cansado de tanto o de nada, segun la interpretacion que cada uno haga del paisaje, que es imponente e inspira respeto. Y guías como Roman de la agencia Relámpago con todas las historias y explicaciones hacen que el recorrido se vuelva incomparable.
  • guidimaio
    Un lugar encantador, una vista maravillosa, además tuvimos la suerte de ver nevar a 4600 msnm. Una experiencia inlvidable
  • danieln688
    Es gigante, y tiene una diversidad de paisajes, colores, clima increíbles, mientras uno se traslada en el jeep va conociendo y observando las maravillas de este desierto
  • 871nelsong
    entre la gran cantidad de paisajes que visitamos esta el desierto y a su alrededor se encuentran montañas con una diversidad de colores que hacen un verdadero contraste con la inmensidad del desierto
  • CarolineLima
    Impossível não se encantar com as diversas lagunas cheias de flamingos espalhadas no meio de areia e montanhas.
  • tyapatsuD
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