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fundo los nichos

fundo los nichos

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍


  • Tamaiti
    If you want to buy a good Pisco, this is the place to be. We had the opportunity to make a quick visit of the place where the story was told about the production of Pisco. You can have a bigger tour, but it takes you around one hour. Then we were invited to try different kinds of Piscos produced there. The prices are just amazing compared to Santiago. Better not to go with a little one...
  • HerrKirk
    This is the oldest still active "Pisquera" of Chile. The tour explains how the pisco is made and shows the installations and the cellar full of histories about Rigoberto Rodriguez Rodriguez "the legend 3R". The distillery was not operating since it wasn't the season.At the end you can taste the different piscos and buy if you want, the prices are good.Very interesting to compare with a large scale industrial pisquera like Mistral for example.
  • 746jeffreyr
    This is a small and long-standing pisco distillery in the upper Elqui Valley with a great history. It's very close to the Elqui Domos astronomical hotel and to the village of Horcon. The tour is short but informative on the making of Pisco, and on the peculiarities and political intrigues the early owners were involved in. The philosophy of the original owners (drink to celebrate, drink to mourn, drink to escape your wife, drink to live...) are amusingly presented, and the pisco itself is very high quality and super-reasonably priced. Well worth the short stop it involves!
  • 876pattyh
    After having visited the giant Capel distillery the day before I decided to hire a bike and make the 10-15mins slightly difficult bike ride to this little distillery. Very happy I did! Luckily there was a Chilean who spoke English in the free tour group of 5 people who interpreted all that was said as it is in Spanish only (on the day I was there). Great insights and old stories of old distillery and hand made & bottled pisco (still to this day). Going into the depths of the building in a room where important men of certain groups have been drinking pisco for 150 years was a highlight (great humorous stories). Free samples at the end. Bottles available for purchase. Worthy visit here
  • nicks809
    from the pisco village, you have to hitch hike or can go walking ( an hour I guess but you have to climb - it is easier on the way back then). visit is around 1h long then you have a sip of pisco and the sale if you want to get anything. Free tour.du village, il faut faire de l'auto stop ou marcher ( environ une heure de grimpette - plus facile sur le retour donc). visite d'une bonne heure puis une petite degustation. ensuite vente du pisco pour ceux qui veulent.Visite gratuite
  • victoriaaaaaaaaa
    Really enjoyed the tour and the pisco tasting of the the oldest pisco distillery of Chile. Previously was called RRR. Very nice pisco, bio and everything, we bought 3 bottles :D
  • cgrant2708
    Gorgeous facility, very nice staff. I enjoyed this much more than the bigger pisco distillery we visited. The history was interesting and the view was great.
  • 370SandraC
    Estuve con mi marido en el tour que hacen en la destilería. La guía que nos tocó (no recuerdo su nombre) muy amena y demostró tener mucho conocimiento de lo que hablaba, con un relato entretenido.
  • 298edg
    Este pisco destrono al Horcón Quemado, los nichos ex 3R se mejoran año a año, no puedes ir a la zona sin tráete un par de bollelas.
  • iamfoix
    Buen Tour, claro en febrero esta casi sin funcionamiento pero por los $1000 esta bueno el tour y la degustacion, exelente historia aun que depende de que guia te toque.
  • HernanC2
    Fui en febrero donde la demanda y cantidad de turistas al parecer es muy alta y me parece que han reducido el tour, faltan mas detalles técnicos de la producción del pisco, el cual debemos potenciar como chilenos y dejar buena impresión para los extranjeros, podrían dar una vuelta por los viñedos, al final del tour podrían explicar mejor cada pisco, un somelier recomendar algunas preparaciones y como beberlo de mejor modo, solo te dejan una bandeja con pequeños vasos plásticos para que uno se tome un sorbo.sin embargo la historia de esta viña es interesante pero media parecida a otra muy conocida historia de vinos
  • negritaSantiago
    Recomiendo hacer el tour por la fábrica. Muy bien explicado y entretenido! Al final puedes degustar los distintos tipos de pisco Los Nichos. Muy bien.
  • franciscam79
    Muy buena y clara la atencion en el tour dentro de la viña. Su historia muy interesante y el proceso de sus licores se mantienen a pesar de los años. Paseo familiar recomendable.
  • 975veronicam
    Conocer el proceso del pisco y la fiorma de vida de los bohemios de épocas pasadas. Un lugar mágico, lleno de historia.
  • 817cristians
    excelentes precios para la compra de piscos. Las vistas son cada una hora y son gratis. Unica pisquera artesanal de la zona
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