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the peak forestry reserve

the peak forestry reserve

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Marojas51MDE
    I spent some time in Providence some years ago. One of the best memories I had, was walking alone and getting lost going to this place. I remeber been really hungry but was in the middle of the sugar mango season, so there was lots of mango!From the top you could spend some time alone just to think about pretty much anything. I strongly recommend this destination. Martín - i was there before 2014 but it is a natural reserve so it should not have changed.
  • Fleichter
    It is little tricky to find the trail head. Seems like the locals want you to take a guide, but once you find it and take a right at the two story house and cut through a fence you are home free. Takes about an hour an a half to get up and what a view. Best to go early to beat the heat.
  • 522thierryg
    A great option to see the island on a different standpoint. Great trecking that won t take you more tan an hour to get to the peak and appreciate a overall view of the island. No risk to find reptiles on the way up. This is really recommedable for nature lovers.
  • 489BrianB489
    This was an excellent hike. It took us right at three hours, but we did have some older hikers in the group. It does get steep in a couple of places. Fortunately it hadn't rained in a few days so the ground was dry, otherwise it would be really challenging. The blue and green lizards, the frogs, the birds and the iguanas you see on the hike are great, but the views from the top are awesome. If you have the time and energy, I highly recommend this hike. There are guides available, but we did not use one.
  • KariL607
    The views were well worth the hike. The hike itself was gorgeous as well. If you would like a guide, we used Delmar, you can find him at Almond Bay, he was very informative and friendly. He is also someone that we found to be honest and could trust. He has a great respect for the island and really tries to share that.
  • ASDLondon
    We went with a guide called Rudolfo Hakkim. You don't need a guide as it is fairly straightforward how to get to the Peak but he was excellent throughout: telling us the history (in Spanish and English), cutting us a couple of coconuts, and carrying my demanding 2 year old when she became too boisterous! If you don't have infants to carry then you could make it to the Peak in about 90 minutes - it took us almost 2.5 hours with our little one. You can see all over the island once you get to to the top and it really is worth the effort. It is also free to enter.
  • Mmcgeever
    This is a trek that's definitely worth doing. You don't need a guide. Follow the directions in the review below and it's really easy. Take a camera and plenty of water...good shoes too!
  • mogalo
    Found our way without a guide, but thought I'd put some hints and general info up here. For future travelers, here are our directions for The Peak/El Pico:1) make the turn off the main road at the large, obvious sign. 2) at the first "side street" take a left, walk to the end and you'll see the trailhead sign to the left. The trail veers right immediately and passes some houses with friendly dogs. 3) at the first buildings (I believe there were 2, one a stable) take a right, even though the better trail leads left4) at the colorfully painted utility building the trail goes left. 5) eventually, you'll step up to the right and step through an opening in an old fence, this will be fairly obvious6) further up, after passing open fields with more barbed wire fences, you'll find barbed wire blocking the trail with "no arroje basura" on a sign...GO THROUGH THE BARBED WIRE. If you go up to the left, you'll find yourself on a steep jungle slope. The rest of the trail is easy to follow past this. With these directions, you do not need a guide...Happy Hiking!
  • LeahN776
    We started at 8 am to miss the heat. There is a sign at the beginning of the trek. There is also environmental and animal education signs along the way up which was super interesting. It took about an hour to get up and bring snacks and enjoy the view!If it was rainy season it would be muddy!Watch out for a tree that has black thorns on it that are filled with ants and if they bite you it really hurts.There were so many lizards everywhere that were a variety of colors.Highly recommend!! You also do not need guide.
  • catiraPalma
    Start in Casabaja. Contrary to Lonely Planet and most recommendations, you definitely do not need to hire a guide if you have hiked before. The path is marked with lots of educational information, and so obvious that you won't get lost. Hike up is 1- 1 1/2 hours.
  • AnnaM23
    About 1.5h, there was a dog by the name of strawberry who was kind enough to show up all the way up.
  • Tittachina
    NIce walk (one hour and an half) the view from the peak is astonishing. Watch out if ti is raining season the road will be super slippery!!!!
  • Bogota_NAUI_diver
    We hired the services of a local guide. The islander took us in a van to the Peak Foresty Reserve. We went there by 2 pm to avoid the high temperature of the Tropics. The islander provided us with bottled water. We started to walk and approach the 360 m hill called "The Peak" and observed the local forest and gentle fauna. Once on the top of the Peak we observed the magnifiscent view of Providencia island and its 36 km of coral reef. This was something to remember. An advice: always follow you islander guide to avoid get lost!
  • alissond407
    Eu e minha esposa fomos na reserva, subimos a montanha e a vista é espetacular, cansa subir, mas é recompensado com uma bela vista
  • luispaulom
    Recomendo. Vale a caminhada e o empenho para ver uma paisagem simplesmente deslumbrante. Recomendo mesmo.
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