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charles darwin research station

charles darwin research station

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Sweetbug
    Yes the tortoises and iguanas are cool on their own... but the signs don't say much and there isn't much around. But if you take a guided tour you get to learn so much more! It really makes the experience.Go on a week day when there are researchers around, it's more fun. It's dull on weekends.Best place to find land iguanas.The tortoise enclosures seem like they could be a lot better.I was hoping to find some information center on what research or projects were going on... unfortunately the mayor (who even the president of Ecuador calls corrupt) shut down the store and a few other projects for visitors... so sadly there isn't much for you there but tortoises and iguanas.
  • BobF493
    This is a good place to see Galapagos wildlife, particularily tortoises and land iguanas. The station is an active breeding program with the idea to reintroduce the juvenile tortoises to their proper island to help increase their presence since most are nearly extinct in the wild. If you do not have a guide it is very difficult to know what you are really looking at, but it is still worthwhile. This is the only way to see baby tortoises!
  • purplemarty
    This is the only place we got to see the Giant Tortoises; there were some 110 years old as well as those only a few months or years. Our knowledgeable guide gave us lots of history and info. We also saw land iguanas and several species of birds in the wild. Disappointed we weren't in setting to walk among the Giants.
  • pacoparrot
    Good opportunity to see tortoises from outlying islands. Did not go with a guide so sometimes was unsure where the particular tortoises were from.
  • DanielleG893
    I visited the research station a few years ago and absolutely loved it. I was lucky enough to see Lonesome George while he was still alive and living there. It is a great place to walk around and explore and the staff is very friendly. The tour guides have excellent information. They use to have a gift shop that was a little bit pricey but all proceeds went back to the center to help keep it running, so if it still exists it is a great place to buy gifts.
  • unhappytraveller123
    Interesting living laboratory that is attempting to right the balance of the destruction incurred by pirates, Buccaneers and MAN over the centuries. Here you will see baby turtles allowed to develop from each galapagos island, the eggs carefully taken, incubated and allowed to reach fruition, saddleback turtles, iguanas whose colours match the burst of sun. It is a hopeful place in the face of all destruction that has occurred. Sadly lonesome George the last of 11 species of turtles died with no heirs so there are only 10 species surviving. However Diego has returned from the San Diego zoo and has successfully passed his DNA on. The aim of the Galapagos is to conserve and hopefully not have to use special means to erase previous damage, rather allowing Darwin's theories to occur and allow Nature to take its course. Until the numbers have been restored , this centre is necessary.
  • WLSS
    Interesting but not enough variety. Easy walk - need a guide to understand the importance of each area. We were expecting more...but glad we went.
  • TedR363
    This is a nice place to see many different ages of tortoises. It is amazing to see the young one and two year old tortoises and then see the old ones that are 50 times the size. Outside the park is a nice walkway to look at souvenirs. Hint the farther away from the entrance the cheaper the prices.
  • bluebird3458
    It was a bit of a walk into the station. I like that they had local flora growing around & what the centre is doing for the tortoises. The saddleback tortoise was very interesting too. We'd been to one of the local ranches & this was more of an experience than going here. However I admire what they are doing.
  • LindseyS660
    I was under the mis-impression that this was more of a museum / indoor center devoted to Darwin's research. I guess the name is what mislead me as upon arrival with our guide, we learned it is all outdoors and teeming with wildlife being raised in captivity. There were plaques along the way with information about the different ages/breeds of reptiles you were looking at, it wasn't as thorough as I had thought. Perhaps we missed some of the areas since we had a guide and he told us the information directly - such as the baby turtles origins (which island) and the sad story of Lonesome George. It was a good place to visit if you haven't seen turtles in growth stages (we had already on Isabela Island so the impact was less).
  • susanrice
    My husband and I took the advice of someone and made a stop here. We were so surprised and pleased by this place. Unfortunately the visitor center was undergoing some construction, but everything else was open. The walkways through the turtle habitats were really cool and the turtles are completely oblivious to us. My favorite part was the turtle nursery. It was beyond awesome to see these little fellas and they gave so much information about them. There is also a little beach there the locals go to. We walked down to it, but had not brought our swim suits or snorkel gear so did not go in. When you leave the station there are blocks of gift shops, art galleries and places to eat. This was by far one of the most surprising and pleasant afternoons we spent there. Keep up the good work!
  • jerrys376
    I had friends working at the Research Station, so I got the whole "backstage" tour. And, even without them to let me into the hidden secrets of the station, the entire place is simply magical! It's educational, entertaining, and very -- very -- real! It's science up close and very personal!
  • cheribokern
    Darwin's experience in the Galapagos in a nutshell. I loved it! I'd rate it as a must see in the Galapagos.
  • 20marciap
    Thank goodness there are people in this world that care about the earth and it's interesting creatures. This was the home of Lonesome George. Since his passing (he was very old), they are going to build a educational exhibit dedicated to him on site. Since there are few places to see these giant animals in the wild - it's a great place to visit. Located in/near the National Park. Best to visit with a guide so you can understand the breeding program and re-introduction of these animals back to their individual islands and ecosystems.
  • Chipperbunny
    I wouldn't have missed it but it was so hot(February) and it was relatively early in the morning. Very interesting, the attempts to breed the Galapagos turtles but I enjoyed seeing the creatures in a more realistic setting, which was somewhere else (sorry, we were taken there).
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