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cunderdin museum

cunderdin museum

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • MM_CD_Smith
    Nice stop at this museum. It was a great hit with the kids, they played on just about every tractor. The earthquake room was another hit with the kids.
  • 171BOWERS171
    As a welcome break from the long haul from Perth to Kalgoorlie, this museum brings to life the importance of the pipeline which still provides water and a much needed lifeline to the far away gold mining region. Much of the equipment used to establish and service the construction of the pipeline, including the pumping station, is still on display, both within and outside the museum. The museum also provides much information on local agriculture across the vast central wheat belt with an array of agricultural machinery and tractors on display. Plus an exhibit based on a period house which demonstrates the damage caused by an earthquake which caused a great deal of damage in the Sixties. Can't be recommended too highly, with very helpful staff to fill in any details not covered by the extensive use of display boards, etc.
  • Rodstra
    .Such a lot to see at this Museum. $3 entry is far too cheep. The shake house in the back pavilion is a really good representation of how the earth quake may have felt.Great morning spent look about
  • babbrook
    Excellent displays with good interpretative history. There are several themes - pumping station with a focus on the engineering required to build the water pipeline to Kalgoorlie in the early 1900's, the Mekerring earthquake with a working earthquake simulator (kids and grown ups will love this!), and plenty of pioneer history associated with the railway, pipeline, farming and sandalwood. Very modest cost for entry and run by the National Trust. A range of tourist items and books available for purchase. Stayed at the Ettamogah Pub across the road.
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