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dandenong ranges & knox visitor information centre

dandenong ranges & knox visitor information centre

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • AJoo7
    this is basically an information center.. the staff is nice and friendly and will give you the info.. nice place to go for a long drive from melbourne city
  • palithar2014
    Mountain as in everest. that's1000.a OS twisty steps. One small step is giant Hercule jump for entire hymen kind.
  • UrbanM_12
    Friendly people with lots of info on things to do around Dandenong Ranges, Not a tourist attraction as such.
  • 182Patrickn
    Hugely helpful for a small travell centre so far from the CBD gives the best advive for exploring the hills
  • DorothyU228
    It was just an information centre. And there is not much to do around Knox. The information centre had the same type of information, all information centres carry.Melbourne is very disappointing compared to overseas.
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