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fairymead house sugar museum

fairymead house sugar museum

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • 293katiet
    It was a beautiful house, and the farm equipment display and movie were interesting. But they mostly left out the bit about the source of the laborers. You would think from the first 3/4 of the presentation and tour that it was all done by the wealthy family. Then they take you to the 'Kanaka' room, where they briefly mention the real story. The tour guide freely offered that it was a derogatory term, and then quickly explained that they were the pacific islanders who did all the work.
  • stevencampbell2014
    See how the upper crust of colonial society lived at the turn of the century at Fairmead House in the Bundaberg Botanic Gardens. This fine example of the Queenslander style was resurrected by local tradesmen under the expert guidance of Bundaberg's foremost philanthropist, Mr. Stan Louse. He supervised the many volunteers who moved the building from its original position at the Young Plantation where it was the home of the Young family for over a century. It has been completely brought back to its former glory with intricate wordwooding in the practical style which made use of good architecture to avoid the worst of the hot tropical Summers; open, airy, wide verandas, high set on wooden posts, with small touches of glamour in the leadlight windows and an especial point of interest being the central dining room's overhead glass work. I was fortunate enough to be allowed to climb through the huge manhole and inspect the roof truss work and eaves ventilation , to see how the frameworks were constructed. There was working bee on the days of my visits , to which I was warming welcomed as volunteer. I then suggested that I might help lay tile and slate stone to each of the many fireplaces. It was a satisfaction to help the men as they cut and laid the stones. We even carved into one firebase, the date when the house was built, 18...something and also the date when the house was opened in its new surrounds in the beautiful Bundaberg Botanic Gardens, 199...something else. How annoying to not remember exact dates when we grow older. I have returned only once since those enjoyable few days volunteering , on that occasion to view how the work has been completed. Fairmead House is a credit to its builders and a valuable addition to any trip to Bundaberg. There's a party like atmosphere around the House when it is made available for wedding receptions that brings back to mind its former Hey-Day as the home of Bundaberg's premier sugar cane growing family who donated this wonderful piece of architecture to the city.
  • heathoz
    A must if you are visiting Bundaberg.Again the History on display is really interesting and well maintained building! We often go to Fairymead House on weekends just to walk around the gardens...beautiful!
  • ianjj
    Fairymead House is a great example of a 'Queenslander', a typical style of house popular in the early settlement of the Australian state of Queensland. The house built in 1890 is tribute to the early days of the sugar cane industry and the Young family who established the Fairymead Plantation. It's an interesting building with lots of equipment and information on early sugar production in Queensland. Entry cost is $5 (2013) and there are some nice gardens to walk around, close by.
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