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historic cardwell post office & telegraph station

historic cardwell post office & telegraph station

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • carolbbay
    A walk down memory lane as an ex Australia Post employee. The information and displays gave a wonderful insight of the importance of the telegraph station and Post Office.
  • 628sandraw
    Had driven past this old Post office building many times and decided to visit. The volunteers very helpful and informative. Did not realise there was so much history associated with this place. Amazing what the pioneers had to put up with when they first came here. A must see if you are interested in history.
  • 979samb
    The volunteers do a wonderful job explaining the history of the old Cardwell Post Office and Telegraph Station.Cardwell is a lovely town for a long or short stop.The Historical Cardwell Post Office & Telegraph Station is a must see if in the area.
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