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pointe-au-pére site historique maritime

pointe-au-pére site historique maritime

  • 等级:4A
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  • 景点介绍

    A tourist attraction unique in Canada: a tour of the Onondaga submarine...


  • 32marieg
    I was with my three kids. The weather wasn't nice... so perfect timing for a museum. This one is fun because you get to actually spend time in a submarine. You can even reserve for a night I you wish. Things are well explained and the visit doesn't take too long. We loved it.
  • AndreF87
    We went there mostly for the relic sub Onondaga. Quite expensive for the time the tour lasts. Interesting though. If you have never been in a sub, it is an experience to discover. For a man, if you are tall, it's a problem. Inside height is reduced. Small places to sleep for crew, as a matter of fact, every places inside the sub are small. But I suppose it has to be like that. Musuem in the area, but also pricey. Good video of the former Empress of Ireland that sunk around there.
  • brucec739
    Really enjoyed our visit to the site. Unfortunately time was short so didn't get a chance to have a look at everything available.The look around the Onondaga was particular fun because we had the opportunity to get a very personal tour from my brother who was a previous commanding officer of the submarine. Eventhough the audio tour is very informative it couldn't compare to seeing him like a "kid in a candy store" revisiting HIS old boat!The whole site is really well looked after and the Staff in attendance were very friendly
  • ebbtide123
    Three museums in one area. You can either purchase tickets to see one or a combination of two or all three. Quite pricey considering the tours to all three can be completed within 2 hours. However, the exhibits are well curated and easy to cruise along ( no pun intended). The relic submarine Onondaga is a self guided audio tour. The Empress of Ireland has a video presentation that eerily includes you on the screen as one of the passengers sitting on the ill-fated ship's bow deck. The lighthouse exhibit is a collection of maritime officers houses and the lighthouse itself. Architecturally odd, the concrete tower apparently resurrected from the site of many destroyed lighhouses before it.
  • bob1024
    The submarine Onondaga is the star of this museum (which also has a building devoted to the sinking of the Empress of Ireland, and a lighthouse). Visitors walk at their won pace through the submarine, with a very good audio guide, a guide detailed enough to let the reality of a submariner's life sink in. Since it is a real sub, there is no way people with difficulty walking can visit. The site, on the Saint Lawrence, is beautiful.
  • RaymondEricDupont
    This is a must see site. Not only can you visit Canada'a only submarine museum, but climb the lighthouse, see a magnificent movie regarding the sinking of RMS Empress of Ireland, and visit the new Hanger 14 which teaches us how people lived during the 1914. Food is great and what a view of the sunsets. Living at Point-Au-Pere, I highly recommend that you visit the site. A great time for all the family and history oozing out of every building!
  • Cecile633
    The Onondaga submarine is a very nice attraction! The submarine is huge from the outside and it becomes so interesting when you enter inside! This is a visit by yourself, with an audio and you can go throughout the submarine at the speed you want to learn a lot of things. This visit is a unique experience. The lighthouse and the Empress of Ireland museum are also great attractions that worth the visit. The little movie about the Empress of Ireland is well done and captivating.
  • JeremyPage
    A slice of canadian and world history in the forms of one of the worst maritime disasters, as well as a real submarine and one of the highest lighthouses and the former pilot station make this a information-rich stop, but they've pulled off a nice balance, making t fun and interesting, not too heavy. Count around 2-3 hours for the full tour, even with kids. About $23 per adult
  • cboli
    Different activities offered on site, for everybody. Museum, visit of the submarine Onondaga, multimedia show, exhibition, visit of the lighthouse, etc. It is really worth the visit and it is made to catch everybody's attention and interest. You don't want to miss it! :)
  • au-bord-de-la-mer
    This maritime heritage site has something for everyone: the story of the sinking of the Empress of Ireland was a tragedy of the highest order but swept away by events later in 1914. The exhibition begins with an excellent film show complete with special events! We loved the salty old sea dog actor who was available to fill in the detail. He really looked the part!Next stop is the old lighthouse which you climb with guides. The submarine is worth a visit in its own right, although the audio guide is a little cheesy. We also liked the separate exhibit "hangar" dedicated to 1914, which had a refreshingly new format. All in all a good site in what can be a bleak region.
  • samcat392
    We visited the submarine and Empress of Ireland museum but not the lighthouse. We were fortunate that it was not busy so we had the submarine to ourselves for over an hour. We quite enjoyed the commentary on the hand held audio guides, but the submarine itself was fascinating. Trying to imagine spending many days/months at sea with all the crew in such a small space - ingenious living spaces and cabins for senior crew, bunks here and there for general crew. Everything was signed well, I liked the mock ups on the computer displays in the control room. All very interesting. The Empress of Ireland museum was thoughtfully done, with respect to the many that lost their lives. The mini film and effects were simple but effective. Also it was interesting to see how people have dived to the wreck over the years, with recovered artefacts on display. It is curious that such a tragic accident happened so close to shore with such an enormous loss of life. The building is cleverly designed to give the impression of a listing ship. Easily spent 3 hours here.
  • Marian303
    This is a place where you feel like you are not in a city, but in a forgotten, story-like corner of the world. It was raining and maybe this gave us the best taste of this beautiful "pointe"
  • Rosey009
    We loved this combined museum site of four different histories at one location! In the tiny community near Rimouski in Quebec, Canada. There we saw the Onondaga submarine and had a fabulous self guided tour with bilingual hand-held audio tour guide. It was very informative and fascinating to see the inside of a real submarine to experience the cramped quarters and see all the equipment used, the amazing use of space, the interesting technologies inside. Also to imagine the life on board. Great museum!Next we visited the Empress of Ireland museum, and thoroughly enjoyed the museum, the history of this wreck and the multi-media movie all about it. It is a first class museum! Next we toured the point au Pere lighthouse and climbed to the top for the guided tour and excellent views. The last part of this site, we visited all the out buildings, some open with various displays. The engineer's house has many large photos of many underwater dives around Canada of wrecked ship sites over a number of years from the late 1960s to presentand is well done. Upstairs are excellent displays focusing on the many diving attempts on the empress of Ireland to retrieve historical artifacts and valuables on board. Then we visited the "Fog House" which talks about the evolution of fog horns used at this site and their construction and use. It was very interesting.All in all a very well done multi-museum site which is well worth a visit. Allow 3-4hours.
  • CrystalRs
    We visited the Empress of Ireland exhibit which has artifacts from the wreck and film which was informative. What a tragedy that is almost forgotten. The lighthouse is 128 stairs and not an easy climb but beautiful views. It was an overcast day when we visited and it was hot in the lighthouse. The submarine was interesting to see but the audio guide is very impersonal and does drag on so we just skipped ahead.
  • 31MIK
    This museum and lighthouse and submarine are really interesting. We did not go into the submarine but the museum is great. I did not know about the Empress of Ireland and the great tragedy that befell that ship. A fantastic exhibit with a movie and audio stations that tell the story of the disaster.
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