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international appalachian trail quebec

international appalachian trail quebec

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍

    The International Appalachian Trail in Quebec (IAT-Qc) offers 650 km (400...


  • nothankyou123
    We had a great 5 day hike with Laurent, who was an incredibly gifted group leader with a keen sense of customer service on the trail. He safely guided a group of faster and slower hikers, identifying meet up points, and providing alternative distances and difficulty each day. The food was outstanding, goat cheese and honey sandwiches served on mountain tops with hot bouillon, a cold beer and chips on a dock after a chilly swim, or pasta in front of a hot stove at the end of the day. We saw several moose, and on the last day, we chose a challenging hike up Mt Albert, where we were greeted by caribou and a stunning view of the entire mountain range we had just hiked. The views were amazing, and the hiking was great. We are from Boston, and have hiked a lot of the US AT, but the IAT and Gaspesie was a surprising undiscovered gem in the northern Appalachian Mountains. We will certainly be back again!
  • malcolmp171
    This was an incredibily great way to spend a five day hike. Six of us in our group plus our guide whose knowledge of flora/fauna and professionalism were beyond reproach. Lodging was very comfortable and the meals were all at once, generous and tasty..... as were the trail lunches and snacks. Each of the huts are well furnished with comfortable bunk beds, nice kitchen facilities, a wood burning stove which we used each day and even once in the morning. Each hut has lots of DRY wood, which caught almost instantly and lots of hanging space for drying the wet clothes/boots/jacket etc. Unfortunately, lots of cloud and rain so the views were limited (except for the last day) but as a group of seven, we all banded together to make the best of what we had and we had a lot. There's a lot to be said about having your "night" bag or suitcase delivered to the next days' destination. All we carry is our "day" backpack. We had multiple sightings of moose and their calves and I'm talking close sightings, as in 30 feet from the balcony of our hut.The hike in itself was occasionally strenuous but not difficult. Any seasoned hiker can easily accomplish this hike. This hike brought many fond memories. I highly and strongly recommend this hike with the S.I.A. / I.A.T.
  • gallo1854
    Une expérience inoubliable! Je le conseille fortement. Des paysages à couper le souffle et de plus des animateurs hors pair. En plus la bouffe était excellente et santé. Bravo à toute l'équipe.Shirley D.
  • 16annikl
    Le parc des Chic Chocs en Gaspésie.Une équipe de guides passionnésLa nature à son meilleur!Découvrer le Québec , un grand terrain de liberté!
  • S2859HImarieb
    A conseiller aux amoureux de la nature et de la randonnée pédestre.Un excellent moyen de retrouver une nature intacte, de prendre conscience de ses richesses grâce aux conseils et commentaires du guide. Réapprendre a se contenter de l'essentiel au niveau confort bien que les refuges soient très accueillants. Juste un conseil : privilégier l'automne dont les couleurs vous enchanteront
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