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robert's ranch

robert's ranch

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • nemopalmiye2010
    I loved this little family run ranch. My friend and I went there on a saturday early morning despite the snow storm. We drove along a small road lost in the middle of nowhere to arrive to this cutest ranch ever run by the nicest couple! The lady speaks english and french; her husband mostly french. So nice! We got briefed by the lady while the husband prepared the dogs and sledges. We each had our own sledge so we were in full control of our dog crew. They taught us the verbal instructions for faster, slower, left and right. I definitely would recommend it for families as the kids can sit in the sledge while parents "drive". It's a great time between friends too. Definitely romantic as well. The snow storm made the forest look magical i.e. Narnia movies.The dogs are well fed, looked after and definitely loved. We could hang out with the dogs after our adventure to learn more about them.This ranch also has horses, cast, and an awesome little dog called Jake! The most welcoming little fellow. So had a great time!
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