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sugar moon farm

sugar moon farm

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Londontown56
    This is a great spot, especially to take visitors from out of town. It's unique and the food (pancakes, beans and sausages etc.) is all about maple. Surprise! Very tasty. The price is higher than most but you get good quality food and an experience to boot. Recommended.
  • ladieswholunch198
    We really like Sugarmoon Farms - great trails, good food, and delicious maple coffee. The prices are a little steep, and if they were more reasonable, we would go more often, but always enjoy it when we go.
  • SteveKinNS
    We went for the pancakes and maple syrup. The food was very good but a bit over-priced for the portions. The restaurant is nice, rustically decorated and very clean. Staff was friendly and helpful. There is an opportunity to see the maple syrup being made if you are there at sap-time. Call ahead to find out when the right time to see this will be. It's worthwhile:)
  • OldOldBob
    Last year we stopped in and got the tour and learned a lot about maple syrup. We bought the largest jug available and rationed for a year back in Tennessee. We love the light Spring variety in salad dressing. So this year we drove the round trip from Truro again and loaded up. Happy again! We have not tried their pancakes.
  • 799ChrisS799
    i learned a lot about maple trees and the maple industries the pancake meal and a good cup of coffee made for a very good vist
  • 75ML75
    Arrived about 2:00 on a Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend. No wait for a table. Very pleasant ambiance with crackling fire in large fireplace . Pancakes with blueberries large and fluffy were excellent. Brat worst sausage is more flavourful than the bland breakfast sausage. Friendly helpful staff.Good tour of maple syrup making process.
  • lillytrip
    Went to Sugar Moon Farm with a group of friends. Really like the concept but didn't think much of the food. The pancakes were soggy, sausage tasteless and tough with the inside more the consistency of a wiener, the beans were quite tasty but not fully cooked. There could have been a much more interesting menu and it was not good value for the money. Definitely not the best pancakes in Canada!!!! $43. for 2 people.... for 1 coffee, 2 small pancakes, 1 sausage and a couple of spoons of beans, The pancakes were all you could eat but one was enough considering they were not great.
  • 459AnnW
    Sugar Moon Farm has a special place in my heart. I was friends with the individual who owned the farm previously and used to look after his horses and house when he would go away. I also know one of the present owners, and was delighted to hear she had bought it because I knew the business would be conducted in an ethical way, keeping in mind protection of the environment as well as providing quality product. I was there when the first section of the log restaurant/sugar shack was built - with logs pulled by horses from the woods on the property. The place has expanded since then, to include a beautiful fireplace which is so welcoming on a cool or rainy fall day. The meals are excellent, using healthy ingredients and with attention to using fair-traded and local ingredients. There are activities for every season, including hiking the mountain trail, and, of course, learning all about the process of making maple syrup. This is a very popular spot for groups to spend a day, including school tours, family reunions, etc. It is only a short distance to Ski Wentworth and to Northumberland beaches. The area is beautiful in the fall and there's nothing nicer than spending some time in front of that warm fireplace on a crisp fall days and enjoying delicious coffee and pancakes with real syrup. Highly recommended :)
  • hcvoyageuse
    We found Sugar Moon Farms fairly easily on our own (our GPS did not think it was real!). One of the owners, Quita, and her daughter greeted us and welcomed us in, and explained the history of how they acquired and built onto the maple farm. We enjoyed a tour, with a great explanation and demonstration of how syrup is made, from the maple tree forest to the bottling. After the tour, we had a delicious pancake meal, complete with maple beans, a locally-made sausage, maple mustard, biscuits and maple butter. We were served a refreshing maple lemonade! This was a great way to spend an afternoon. I wish we had had the time to walk back into to forest. I am not sure about the reviewer who said it was not kid-friendly. I found them to be very friendly, and it would be a great experience for kids.
  • roakley
    This is a great place and the food is fresh and yummy. I did find the pancake meal a little pricey . Biscuits are great and the little shop is a wonderful place to get ingredients to buy for home.
  • 40JoeA
    We had been looking forward to our first trip to Sugar Moon Farm for weeks, and based on all the other reviews we read, we were expecting to have a lovely day. We arrived to a packed parking lot with lots of people standing around the restaurant and "shack" entrance. We were told it would be 45 minutes before we could be seated, so we put our names on the list and set off to explore the farm. We wanted to try the sugar snow, and had envisioned it would be in the woods after a nice hike or horse drawn sleigh, where you would see maple sugar boiling in a big pot over the fire and someone would pour it onto the snow. Instead, there is a trough of ice on the edge of the muddy parking lot where every 30 minutes or so, someone brings a small pot from inside the shack and pours it on the ice. Not fantastic for $2 per stick. Despite waiting half an hour for our sugar sticks, our table wasn't ready yet, so we did a short hike following the sap trail. Nothing special to look at. We returned to the restaurant to find out they had given our table to somebody else, so we would have to wait another 20 minutes. When we were eventually seated, it was communal style at a large picnic table, which was fine with us, but obviously not with the family that was already seated at the table and who kept giving our 2 year old dirty looks. The pancakes were okay,but for $16.50 I would have liked to have coffee included, and have the "all you can eat" include the sausages and beans, not just the pancakes. There was a large fireplace in the middle of the restraint which was not screened or blocked and thus a huge safety hazard for small children. We left feeling ripped off and will not be returning.
  • viper56
    Great novel place to visit.... a wee bit pricey for pancakes...but worth a visit by anymeans!
  • SaltyFry
    Even since I moved from Vancouver to Halifax over 10 years ago I have been going to Sugar Moon every year - it is that good. I first found then during sugaring off in 2001 and was lucky enough to be there while the sap was running and the evaporator was fired up making syrup. Since that time Scott and Quita have made a roaring sucess out of their passion. Imagine walking into a cool room with a crackling fire going under the boiler and the heavenly steam rising up through the vents bringing with it the slight sweet smell of maple syrup. Even driving up to their property - you drive through private owned low bush blueberry fields (and if you are lucky enough to order blueberry pancakes you will know why NS is famous for them - small and sweet). The sugar shack is a log cabin with a big roaring fire at one end and lots of long plank tables and benches - you do share a table with others if it is a busy time there but I also love to go in the off season and enjoy a quiet table with friends on the weekends. Their menu is great (although must say I always have the Sugar Moon breakfast) but am tempted by the shirred eggs. The food is outstanding and rightly so since they source it locally: hand made biscuits with small cups of maple butter to start (and maple butter is just pure syrup boiled longer so less water and thicker to spread - no butter in it), then comes the breakfast which is all you can eat pancakes, local sausage (I always love the Westphalia - courser and smokey flavour - not sure I know how to spell it though), homemade baked beans, and of course big glass containers of maple syrup on the table to use as you like. I put it in everything, coffee, beans, pancakes...and great maple mustard as well if you like. Bottomless coffee and tea (fair trade) and really just a wonderful experience...did I mention all you can eat pancakes! They also have a small museum to share with you the history of maple syrup and how it is made - and you can tour the evaporator room even if they are not boiling. They offer products for sale and if I am not mistaken they can't produce enough from their trees for all the demand so buy sap from local small producers in the area - a great idea. I haven't been snow shoeing there for a few years but when I did I loved the fresh snow and beautiful surroundings. They are one of the hightest elevations in NS so they have snow alot longer then most anywhere else - be prepared with good boots and warm clothes if you want to go exploring before or after your meal. During sugaring off it is a busy place and I also go inside first to put my name on the list for breakfast (can be up to an hour wait on the busy weekends when they are actually boiling) and then go tramping around and visit museum to work up an appetite. A special treat is to have maple taffy on snow - you purchase a popsicle stick (think it's a loonie - one dollar) and they have a trough set up with fresh snow and maple syrup that has been boiled to a higher temp is poured on the snow in small lines and as it hardens you wrap it around your stick and pop it in your mouth. I also work as a tour guide in the summer months and have brought groups to Sugar Moon for private brunches and they have raved about the experience - especially if from the western or central US where they can't get it. Every time I have friends or family come to visit I take them to Sugar Moon and for years they all still talk about it. Scott and Quita are very conscious of the environment and the pancake house has two composting toilets. They also run a wood lot with their two draft horses as well and in the winter if enough snow offer sleigh rides. Can't say enough about this wonderful place and the experience, food and ambiance - you have to try it for yourself. I also love the sap journal they keep on their website so I can see when the sap starts running and when they will be boiling. They also have chef nights every few months and top chefs from the province prepare gourmet menus highlighting maple (of course). A great business run by great people who promote an amazing part of Nova Scotia.
  • fkm1506
    We have been there the second time. Once in fall and now in the summer. I'm sur we will be back when we are in Nova Scotia. Sugar Moon farm is a MUST! The pancakes, the syrup, friendly stuff, everything p e r f e ct !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .
  • dlaclw
    I've been in NS for 12 years and every time we have visitors, we bring them here. It's especially wonderful in the winter when you can sit near the fireplace and eat delicious food. We have never had a bad experience or a bad meal!
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