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uncle sam's bingo palace

uncle sam's bingo palace

  • 等级:2A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • bingo-player1
    Bingo games often do not start on time. If there are even a few people in line at start time, they will wait until they make their purchase even though the 1st game is not part of your package. It's optional. Some people are chronic late-comers because they know the games are delayed frequently. You must flip your books to match the color of the game, but in many games, 2 or 3 colors may be used. If you are not on the right one, and you win, another number is called. You have to check your receipt every game to match every purchase. Many mistakes are made at sales. Lots of new runners, sellers means they forget to pay you or where you were sitting. Sometimes, you have to track them down to get paid. Machine breakdowns are frequent, delaying games while they replace them. Management is poor. If there is a problem, it's usually not resolved. Some of the regular customers have stopped coming here because of management not enforcing a ban on a well-known woman who has been caught cheating 2-3 times. She now comes with a small group who often win, and people wonder each time, if it was legitimate.
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