JPS always has new things every time we go - but as time goes on, I do notice more and more "new" items - or rather, items that have been refinished by a designer and thus an astronomical price is charged.You can certainly find your diamonds in the rough, though. There's a ton to sort through - books, furniture, more furniture, knick knacks galore, etc. The prices are very...wobbly. You could pick up a great deal one time and then look over at something else and the price be completely unreasonable. You can haggle a little bit, though - depending on who is working and the mood their in. Usually it has to be the owner, though, as others don't feel comfortable doing so.We've bought quite a few things over the last year we've lived here from JPS - it's a pretty neat place to take out of town guests to, as well. Not your typical thrift shop.