After Havana and Santiago de Cuba, Camagüey is the largest and most populated city in the main island. I really like it. Even Santiago, considered the second one doesn’t have the same air of a big metropolis and it impressed me during my visit in 2009, more than any other town, village or city in inner Cuba. The Town of Puerto Principe (first name) was one of the initial seven villas established by the Conquerors Spaniards beginning the XVI Century. In Cuban History is famous because it was attacked and burn by Henry Morgan in 1668. And also for his leaders during Wars of the Independence, remarkably the Ten Years War. But the most important thing is that in an urban scale you can recognize different periods: colonial, modern republic and revolutionary; Each is distributed in very well planned districts or neighborhoods. Well, the colonial one has twisted streets and corners. It is said it was conceived in that way in order to confuse new pirates raids. The Convent and Church of San Juan de Dios is a large and beautiful building which construction began in 1728. It’s located in a beautiful plaza as well. I’ve the opportunity to climb to its bell tower and although it is not very tall you can catch a fascinated view of the City. In one corner there is the place where the body of Mayor General Ignacio Agramonte was exposed after his killing by Spanish troops in the battle of Jimagüayú (1873). It worth’s a visit to this big Cuban city.
Situated on the beautiful Plaza San Juan Del Dios ,The church is built in the Baroque style and is well restored .
A church is one of the many interesting cultural items that we enjoy spending time looking at. This one is worth a visit and considering this is a catholic church, an observant mason will find something that will make him scratch his head a little. Is it or isn't it?
This will be not a real review, as I stood in front of the church, but never made a step inside.It started to rain heavily, so rather then to enter the church, we decided to visit the restaurant next to it.It is called 1800 and we just had a coffee and beer there.The church was build in 1728, so it pre-dates the restaurant ;-)!The whole plaza is well preserved and beside the church, there is also a former hospital both in Moorish influenced baroque style. Declared a National Monument in 1978.
La Iglesia no deja de ser un templo mediocre aunque armonice con el resto de la plaza, de estilo colonial.
Questa piccola chiesa situata proprio sulla bella piazza dallo stesso nome ospita, sull'altare principale una raffigurazione antropomorfa della Santissima Trinità con anche lo Spirito Santo rappresentato in forma umana. Si tratta dell'unico esempio in tutta Cuba ed uno dei pochi in tutta la regione ispano-americana. La costruzione inizio' alla fine del 1600, è a una sola navata e l'interno mantiene l'atmosfera grazie al pavimento e agli altari in legno.La porta accanto è quella del veccho ospedale ora trasformato in museo.