I also visited this temple of Goddess on evening of 24.2.2015. The temple is in main residential area of puduchery. This is also a old temple. One mu.st offer his pray here while visit of puduchery
Got spiritual vibes like nowhere before. Of course....in matters of religion.........to each one his own
A small temple on Mahatma Gandhi Road in heritage town, hard to miss so be on the lookout for it.Worth a stop for a short time to view.
My mother loves to explore temples which ever city she travels. She said it was an amazing place to destress yourself, local people were good and aarti was like a meditation.
This temple is dedicated to goddess shakthi and is located on M.G.Road.It has a blend of both Tamil and French architecture.
Si en tu recorrido tienes tiempo y tranquilidad para conocer este templo pequeño, quizas valga la pena ir a visitarlo. Caso contrario puede dejar de verse.
É um templo centenário dedicado a deidade induísta, com muitos ornamentos alusivos ao princípio ativo da criação do universo ou shakti, salve o feminino de Deus.
É um templo antigo, de mais de 200 anos situado próximo da Mahatma Gandhi Road. Dedicado à divindade feminina Mother Sri Kannikaparameswari. É muito bonito, vale a pena visitar.