GATUN ECO ADVENTURES (GEA) is a different and unique Ecotourism Center...
The company is now called Gatun Adventura in Colon - just down the street from Melia Hotel.The zipline takes you right over Gatun Lake--howler monkeys in the trees, etc... Our three teenagers had a fantastic time! Call Antonilo if you want more information 6785-0129
We got to take a boat ride on the lake, and it was wonderful. We got to see a sloth, a toucan and monkeys! Absolutely breathtaking.
I did their zip line when I was in Panama with an Overseas Adventure Travel group in June 2010. It was the highlight of my trip! Of course, going through the locks is why I came to Panama, but this was a thrill that I wasn't expecting. I felt they were very professional yet friendly and they seemed very safety conscious. Their equipment seemed to be in very good shape; of course, I realize it's all rather new. Would love to do it again.
nous avons fait une balade en bateau sur le lac pendant une heure 1/2Le site est joli en lui même, mais les animaux bien cachés dans la nature et nous n'avons rien vu !
El canal es la 8 maravilla del mundo pero Gatun Eco Adventurs es una locura total a otro nivel todo el mundo tiene que conocerlo.