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samara trails

samara trails

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍

    Samara Trails is a trail system within the private 346 acre Werner Sauter...


  • CaterinaEdmonton
  • CristinM697
  • bfutterman
  • LisaP387
    在Playa Samara住宿的最后一天,丈夫、父亲和我很早起来沿着Samara Trails远足,导游是Alvaro。由于到到网上的好评,我们出发前的期望很高。最后三个小时的远足让我们非常满意。Alvaro和其他人开辟的道路条件很好。沿途的景色优美。Alvaro对周围森林的植物非常了解,对它们的用途和在生态系统里的作用都了如指掌。他给我们讲解作物和动物在热带树林里的作用,而且他们家族对保护环境所作出的努力。他非常详细地描述我们说遇见的鸟、动物和昆虫,还有没有见到的。他对当地居民的历史也非常了解。他花了很多时间跟这里年长的人交谈和学习(包括他的祖父),更了解当地人的生活。Alvaro非常聪明,身体健康,充满激情,而且他充分展示自己的优良品质,让我们经历了一次非常棒的远足。绝对不容错过!非常感谢Alvaro。
  • cborchar
    萨马拉真的是一个非常棒的地方。几条路汇合在一起形成一个小镇,,在那人们可以骑自行车,可以没有工作人员陪同的慢慢的骑马散步,非常漂亮的海滩,沿路都是棕榈树,每个人都爱这里。然而这一切,我旅行的重点是萨马拉小道。大约三十年以前,一家人决定打破传统,退耕还林。今天,这里环境优美。 孙子阿尔瓦罗开辟了一条通往雨林的小路而且现在开始了旅游项目。想知道为什么哥斯达黎加是世界上五大出名的长寿地吗?想知道为什么柚木正在消灭珊瑚礁吗?想知道吼猴聚集地吗?想在山顶停下来吃点心,欣赏萨马拉湾的景色吗?我感觉这里非常有趣--感觉超过了我刚刚自己的徒步旅行.费用大约是2-3个小时35欧元。阿尔瓦罗会扶你上去,扶你下来。你可以安排时间,但是早上可能是避暑最好的时间而且能看到更多的动物。
  • ThorYUL
    A great hike and very informative. He really shares his enthusiasm for nature. I would say suitable for over 10 years as well. Nice snack at the top while you enjoy the great view
  • Alex1466925
    This tour is so interesting our family of four went twice. The guide, Alvaro, is highly knowledgeable and passionate and kept our two girls' attention (ages 8 and 10) plus that of another family with three kids (ages 6 through 9) for the entire walk. We learned an enormous amount and were happy to support Alvaro's conservation efforts by buying a Samara Trails t-shirt, which funds the planting of an endangered tree. (You even get yearly photos of your tree for three years.)Alvaro has obviously devoted himself to studying elders' and indigenous knowledge of Costa Rica's abundant natural riches, and his family has done an immense service to preserve and restore a beautiful piece of it. The rest spot at the end has a stunning view and is well worth the walk all by itself.We enjoyed it even more than Manuel Antonio park. Muchissimo gracias, Alvaro!
  • ferin2013
    This tour was great. We booked directly via their website (E-Mail) and were answered promptly. We were picked up at the agreed-upon time (sharp); the walk was beautiful, the guide was very knowledgeable and hinted at birds, insects and spiders, and plants and trees. He let the group know which plants and seeds could be eaten and prepared some for eating for us. He also brought a snack for everyone (granola bars and fruit).I would absolutely recommend this tour.
  • 422lesleya
    This was a great activity to do in Samara. Alvaro, the owner and guide, was so knowledgeable. You learn lots but best of all become infected with his enthusiasm and passion for learning about the traditional lifestyle of Guanacaste and the preservation of the tropical dry forest. Bring water and wear runners - you'll be walking uphill to an incredible view!
  • Ridney2014
    This was our second Samara Trails tour and we learned even more this time! Alvaro is a fabulous tour guide, so informative and entertaining and he has an eagle eye for spotting birds and wild life! We saw Mot mots close up and the manakin and an owl, so beautiful! If Alvaro hadn't been there to point them out, we would have missed them. The hike is uphill a lot of the way but there are many spots to stop and learn about the local fauna so not too difficult. The overlook, resting spot is beautiful with a panoramic view of Samara Beach. We also got really close to the howler monkeys with a great view of their pack.After the tour we had arranged with Alvaro's brother Andres(a chef) for a home cooked authentic Costa Rican meal at our place. He prepared foods that would be found in Costa Rica pre-Colombus. A delicious four course meal, we were all very full at the end for $30/per person. We would highly recommend to ask Alvaro about arranging this! Andres is as engaging and informative as his brother. It was great way to round out the day learning about Costa Rica and it's history.
  • JanSMR
    Our group of 8 ranged in age from 12 to 77. We all learned so much from Alvaro and had a great hike. Agree with all the great comments. His passion and energy and customer service are even more than 5 stars. If you have a walking stick, I suggest to bring it along.
  • Bmaui
    That's what the kids said! We recently hiked with Alvaro on a beautiful and clear Samara morning. His property winds up into the dry tropical forests of Samara where we were able to see creatures of all sorts. He shared his knowledge of every edible plant along the path as well as edible termites which our boys 8&10 gobbled up. The morning was truly educational and interesting. The howler monkeys greeted us along the way as well as many bird species. A screech owl watched us as we made our way winding up the hillside into the forest above.. The view from the top is so breathtakingly beautiful that it is mesmerizing. We highly recommend Samara Trails!!! Thanks Alvaro!
  • themoose2525
    Super time with the guide Alvaro. Learned alot about the country and the region. Brings you to great views of the beach. I highly recommend this activity
  • wheresmylenscap
    This was my favorite activity in this area! Alvaro is a genuinely happy and nice guy who loves his country and wants to see its natural ecosystems thrive. For $35 each, he picked us up in Samarà and we got a lovely, and at times a bit challenging, hike through the forrest and mountainous area just outside of town. Alvaro was well-educated and super-knowledgable about the local plants and animals, pointing out everything from cool insects and birds to almost extinct trees he and his family are trying to protect. He showed us fruits and other plants we could eat, and we did eat, and a couple guys ate termites with him too. :)There were great views from the mountain look-outs. Alvaro provided some fresh fruits for us to munch at the top. We also saw some interesting butterflies and a very rare white bat! Hummingbirds, monkeys, and lizards too. And we were also taught about the history of Costa Rican natives, the secrets to their long lives in this area, and what living Pura Vida really means.I highly recommend this tour. It supports a great cause - a true biological reserve - and the family who is dedicated to it no matter what it takes. There is no pretense or tourist trappings here. No unenthusiastic guide who still wants a tip after half-assing it all day. Nothing felt contrived or rushed. It was just fun, interesting, and a great way to spend 3 hours.Some tips:- Pay in cash.- Wear good walking shoes with a nice tread. There was an almost-2-year-old riding in a carrying back-pack thing with her parents on our tour, so it isn't crazy hard, but the fallen leaves and hidden roots can make it tricky.- It is HOT so dress accordingly. Most of the hike was under tree cover, so don't worry about sunburn. A little sunscreen will do you.- BUG SPRAY. Lots of it.- Water was a must.- Good camera.- Open heart and mind, ready to learn.
  • 202danielf
    Alvaro was a super guide, extremely knowledgeable about the area, wildlife and the plants. Quite a bit of enjoyable walking so bring comfortable shoes, binoculars and a good camera with a flash as even in the daytime the shade of the trees make the flash a useful tool along with a good camera. Don't forget to bring lots of water.A fruit snack at the end of the hike to the valley overlook was great break. The price is very reasonable and definitely worth it.
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