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edificio de correos central

edificio de correos central

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • AnnaM222
    The architecture of this building is incredible...There are a lot of cultural activities there and it is a place worth visiting
  • jmachem
    One of the buildings that give Guatemala's Zone 1 that special look and feeling. It is just gorgeous and full of life, highly recommended to take a walk around it. Wont disappoint you!
  • dancinbuddha
    It's not just a post office. Walk through the halls and see people with clay in their hands and paintbrushes, people relaxing in the courtyard. It's a beautiful city center.
  • kayak-atitlan
    This building stands out as a beautiful oasis in a sea of concrete. Don't know who designed it, don't know why built it, don't know why it is so huge, but it is a beautiful.
  • Tic0G
    After being the main office center for the national mailing post, it has been restored and given better care than most of the classic and iconic buildings in the city. If you like architecture, this is a must.
  • RodKimble
    Definitely worth the visit. Went for some stamps and ended up walking all over the building. They had painted it recently and looks amazing. the architecture and over all building are in great conditions.
  • AngelsofAtitlan
    Great example of architecture of the 20's -40's well kept , great to visit inside
  • malinche
    Its a nice building that you really enjoy , its a building from the 20's and the decorations are beautifull
  • Mundos77
    A landmark in Guatemala city, this beautiful building once housed the post office for the city. Now the building is the home of the Municipal Music School, part of el Sistema de Orquestas de Guatemala, and one of the best symphony orchestras in the country. A must see!
  • ppereira
    Before it used to be the main stage for receiving and sending letters to all the country, since this was the only way of staying in touch with others. Now is a beautiful building in 12 calle downtown, that if you have the oportunity to go inside you'll feel amazed by its jade floors and caracol stairs, just perfect for a clasical picture.So, go inside the "Historical Center" and discover the classical spanish style we have and all the hidden jewels we have downtown Guatemala city.Good travelling!!!
  • 603albertot
    Se trata de una joya de la arquitectura en pleno centro de Guatemala. Recorrerlo es trasladarse al pasado y aprender muy interesantes aspectos de la cultura guatemalteca y de Centroamérica en su conjunto.
  • 962juliocesarc
    muy bonito , muy interesante su fachada y el arco que abarca dos calles , sus ventanas y terrazas muy impresionantes a si como tambien los zaguanes de madera , pero hay indigentes que lo ensucian
  • Freequebec2013
    Si vous postez du courrier a Antigua a destination du Canada ou de Europe vous avez une chance sur deux pour que ca arrive , a Guatemala city 9 chance sur 10, le deplacedment vaux la peine pour que votre courrier arrive ,toujours poster les cartes postal dans des enveloppes.
  • Chipilingt
    Este es un edifico histórico en el centro de la ciudad. Vale la pena visitarlo y pasear por sus pasillos. En ocasiones hay presentaciones artísticas y si se tiene suerte, la orquesta sinfónica municipal estará practicando. Desde el techo del edificio se tiene una buena vista del centro de la ciudad. Parqueo. En la parte de atrás del edificio existe un parqueo.
  • francisco4vidal
    O Edificio de Correos Central tem uma arquitetura riquissima. Cada parede, coluna ou piso é uma atração. Vale cada foto de recordação.
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