当前位置: 首页 >目的地 >中国 >安徽 >黄山 >渔梁坝和渔梁古镇


  • 等级:4A
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  • zhangmao
  • sky7575
  • David_Chan_SG
    I would expect a very big dam but when I first saw it during my visit, I was a little disappointed. However, the scenery there is very beautiful. I went during the dry season, the water level was low. We took picture on the boats and walk long the old street.
  • xingming
    Take a walk along the length of the riverside 'ancient' street of Yuliang and you will come across what I think is perhaps the oldest intact dam in the world. It is made with large stones which have been chiseled to fit somewhat like a puzzle. The photos I have included with this review are taken at two different times - one when the dam was exposed and the other set when it was in overflow mode after several weeks of rain. The walk along the ancient street takes you past a great restaurant (Yulian Ancient Beny Home - near the Hundred Steps). Walk as far as the dam and then take one of the boats (about 20yuan) up the river to the temple. Then walk back to your starting point. Highly recommended and well worth the 30Rmb entry fee.
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