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  • 等级:3A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • sweetsin
  • LintaHuang
  • su-wenn2000
  • 111明賢林
    这景点跟台北101差不多 重点是观景台收费比台北101还要便宜 一样是全高雄最高的制高点景色超级漂亮 非常值得去
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  • devisenthil
    View of the whole city from the tower is beautiful. Both the night and day view is excellent. But the fee is tad expensive. The high speed elevator was really good though. The building houses a hotel there too. View was great from there.
  • ToruO
    The view overlooking Kaoshiung was marvelous. We paid NT$180 per ticket but it was worth it. You get a 270-degree panoramic view of the city. Some people try to get a glimpse of the harbor at sunset but it's not really much to expect, thanks to the smog obscuring the view of the horizon. That's the only thing I regret.
  • FEtravellor
    I suppose we got to give it some time before this tall building will be surrounded and complemented by more matching landscape and buildings. Or maybe not? Well, I suppose again that this depends on the Kaohsiung Town Planners (the government). All in all, it was a nice building, which looked like the Chinese character for "Tall" but having said that it did stick out oddly amidst the old low buildings.
  • frappeo
    Kaohsiung's tallest building with the observatory on 75/F boasts excellent views of the harbour and the city for a ticket price of TWD180 (Less than USD7.00!). I dropped by shortly after it had opened at 10am on Monday and the aircon was switched on only at 11:15am. Visitors are pretty much left to themselves after buying admission tickets and ushered to the elevator. There is no brochure, hardly any signage and displays to highlight the city's development milestones and architectural or touristic landmarks. To fully appreciate the visit, guests must have done some sightseeing in Kaohsiung to be able to identify the city's landmarks on their own. The only staff on the observatory deck was a woman seated behind the counter at the cafe cum souvenir kiosk who seemed more interested in toying with her mobile phone while ignoring everything else. The exit was not marked at all and it finally occurred to us that the only way out of the place was the way in.... The management of Tuntex 85 Sky Tower has not maximized its potential to be an awesome tourist attraction and would do well to learn from the people who run Taipei101. Well, I suppose that is why 85 Sky Tower's admission ticket is so incredibly cheap.
  • qoom
    If you've been to Taipei 101, you will be disappointed here. It looks deserted and unkempt. The stores downstairs look like they do not get a lot of patronage. Finding the reception to the viewing deck was a real adventure, because there are different entrances and a lack of signs. We should have heeded those initial signs and given up on it, but we didn't and persisted, even though the weather wasn't good.Not worth the time or money, to be honest. There is no gift shop, sure the elevator is fast, and the views are nice, but it's not something to write home about.
  • RonA_Plymouth
    If you want to see a birds eye view of Kaohsiung this is the place, and what's more because it is quite you feel a bit specal, almost a private tour. Others have said pick your day otherwise you could find yourself looking at clouds. We enjoyed the lifts and clearly the want you to know how cleaver these high speed lifts are, even a touch of Disney on the ceiling. The cost is 180 Taiwan dollars, which we thought was a good price, it was that or a cup of coffee. Recommended.
  • EvaL777
    85 Sky Tower is the second highest building on Taiwan. It was actually the highest building until the same designers built Taipei 101 in Taipei. The building has a very unique and interesting architectural design. It is also a hotel and ground level there is an excellent bakery with an adjacent hotel bar for drinks. I had one of the best jumbo sugar donuts ever from the bakery. The fee to take the elevator to the 75th view floor is half the fee of Taipei 101 which makes it a bargain for sight seeing. Suggest going to the Sky Tower on a clear day to see the city from the view floor. The 360 degree views are amazing from up there. You get a very good idea of the layout of the seaport city from up there, as a tourist. After your visit, there is a nice coffee shop nearby where you can sit outdoors at a table and watch the world go by. There is also a woman who sells food as a street vendor in the area, and her big bag of inexpensive, deep fried sweet potato chips with their salty sweet flavour is a treat.
  • TownGirl808
    This building is on many lists of things to do in Kaohsiung but it is totally deserted. We went the the observation deck on the 75th floor and we were the only ones there! There was a girl "working" in the snack bar (I think they only sold ice cream and souvenirs) but she looked asleep. I have never seen anything like this place. We couldn't help but wonder why the place was so empty. There is even a hotel in this building. We went to the 39th floor where the hotel lobby is and while there were people there, they were few and far between. All the escalators in the main building lobby are off. the revolving door is roped off. It's weird. and very spooky! Has a very "twilight zone" feel to it.
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