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great stone dam

great stone dam

  • 等级:3A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • 764bevb
    Not much to see except dam. It is privately owned as a power generator. It has a lock system to allow salmon to go up stream that can be seen along the "left"side. The canal system that fed the mills with water for turbines also are still along side. History
  • travelsleuth1961
    Needs explanation. Hard to appreciate when driving by. Lawrence has a lot of industrial history. If you have time to explore and learn about it in depth, it is well worth it.
  • eds956
    If you like water going over the dam that is all that will capture your sights. Rt 28 is noisy and the area is not the best at times.
  • rtfax
    Not the most spectacular dam you may see but it is long and holds back the mighty Merrimack River coming all the way fro the White Mts of NH and going out to Salisbury MA Atlantic Ocean. Check out nearby Lawton's for a super hot dog when viewing.
  • eds288
    Just an old dam that stops the flow of water down the Merrimack River. It's used to make hydro power. No place to park other than on a side street. Not worth your visit.
  • Masslibrarian
    The constant construction work and no parking. There is no historical marker and so much history to share! Shame on Lawrence for not promoting its history!
  • CelticRambler
    Lawrence is a very interesting city with a very interesting history. In particular, I encourage visitors to study the famous 1912 textile workers strike. Women workers, from a great variety of ethnic groups, took charge of the strike and - surprise - they won a notable victory.... In labor legends, this became known as 'the Bread and Roses strike."Unfortunately, Lawrence does very little to tell its story to visitors. Lowell, a textile town that's nearby, is far more successful in presenting itself to tourists. Lowell protects its historic sites. Still, visit Lawrence, if you're interested in industrial history. History buffs only, for the moment. Casual visitors won't find very much in Lawrence.
  • MattB
    Built by Cork Irish before the Civil War, this dam is responsible for the existence of the City of Lawrence. It may be the larget all stone dam anywhere. Just imagining the coffer dams, the lack of huge machinery, the lack of computers for design, etc, is mind boggling.
  • 1ne
    Платина в г. Лоуренс является чуть ли не единственной достопримечательностью города. Она небольшая, но вид ее замораживает, поскольку это вторая платина, которую я видел в жизни (первая в г. Дубна).
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